Dedicated LVC Member
...we are in the right place at the right time to deal with Iran.
Vitas said:...we are in the right place at the right time to deal with Iran.
95DevilleNS said:What will truly be amazing is how we're going to pull off fighting on two fronts once we go into Iran and still manage to protect our borders from all those pissed off Iranian fundamentalist looking for an excuse to get their virgin rewards.
Before you go any farther, let's not misrepresent what's going on in Iraq. While there is still additional work to do, we're hardly fight a "war" in Iraq right now. There are some areas that suffer from terrorist attack, but most of the country isn' like that. Iraq IS NOT in the middle of a civil war. Iraq is not a front in a war.95DevilleNS said:What will truly be amazing is how we're going to pull off fighting on two fronts
...once we go into Iran and still manage to protect our borders from all those pissed off Iranian fundamentalist looking for an excuse to get their virgin rewards.
95DevilleNS said:This guy is amazing....
What will truly be amazing is how we're going to pull off fighting on two fronts once we go into Iran and still manage to protect our borders from all those pissed off Iranian fundamentalist looking for an excuse to get their virgin rewards.
Personally, I do not think the country is prepared or ready to handle another war in light of how Iraq is going so hopefully Bushco will have a solid plan this time around.
MrWilson said:We can send them plenty of virginians to whoop their asses! no virgins though.
why do they want a virgin? seriously...
95DevilleNS said:I am not saying Iran isn't a threat and that we shouldn't go in. Just how are we going to go about it, I don't think we would be able to manage an effective war while own our house (America) is divided like it is, that's my concern. I know Iran is seen as a rogue nation and has demonstrated it's radical thinking in the past, but when it comes down to it, they're holding a pee-shooter compared to what we have, I am not certain Ahmadinejad is willing to be obliterated off the map for the sake of destroying one, possibly two cities, but that is risky thinking. I can see his ass giving the order to nuke after we go in as a last resort to spite us for certain though. So if something starts with Iran, it's going to have to be a full scale war seen through to the end and that goes back to my earlier post, can we afford it at this time with our current problems in Iraq and at home? I am not confident we can... But of course that will bring up the question "Can we afford not to?" which I do not have the answer for, if I did, I'd be a politician.
fossten said:You...just...don't...get it, do you?
1. Iran is willing to use nukes not only on us, but on Israel more specifically.
2. Iran doesn't have to pull the trigger, Ahmad*** (who's crazy) sponsors terrorists that can sneak across our Mex border, see where I'm going?
3. Pea-shooter compared to what we have? That's a pre-9/11 mentality. Do you not remember that 3,000+ people died in a NON-nuclear attack? How many do you think would die if a 5-kiloton bomb detonated in Times Square? The issue is that he's already stated that he's willing to use nukes on Israel and is waving the gun in our direction.
4. How we go about it is PREVENT THEM FROM GETTING NUKES! Jeez. You don't get it. If we sit and do nothing, Israel will attack them. You want that?
5. They get 72 virgins, not 73.
MonsterMark said:I think our government needs to change the way it runs. We should not have all our eggs (leaders) in one basket (Washington). This whole State of the Union thing has to come to an end. Gee, let's put all our leaders under one roof. You know, the Prez, VP, Supreme Court, Joints Chiefs of Staff, even Democrats. It is so silly at this stage of this world conflict.
What has to happen for the United States to really wake up and take this war on terror seriously? We need a WMD hit. Nuclear or biological. Sad to say, but that it what it is going to take.
9/11 was akin to a slap in the face. Sure, it hurt and was offensive, but you can brush it off, say to yourself, turn the other cheek. But what happens when somebody jumps on us, punches us in the face and starts kicking us again and again when were on the ground? By then, it may be too late.
It really bothers me to know that we will face annihilation in my lifetime. Barry wants me to worry about the debt my kids will have to repay. That is not my worry. Having our country around to raise my kids is more my concern. A nuclear bomb will go off, probably somewhere in the US. We will all freak. Panic will sweep the nation. Riots and pillaging will take over every major city. Forget about your stocks and bonds. Forget about gas to go the store. Life will forever change. We have a chance to stop a least one threat (Iran) now. But our nation has neutered itself. The Left and the DBM (Drive By Media) is making almost impossible for our leaders to do the right thing now, while we can, before the damage is done. Sadly, we will have to wait to be punched in the face and curled up on the ground before we will start to act.
Hate to be the bearer of bad news, but that is how it is going to have to go down.
95DevilleNS said:I...guess...not... Maybe you're privy to better news than I am.
If a nuke where to go off in any American city, who would be the most likely culprit? Ahmadinejad/Iran would and he'd be crapping his pants like Saddam was on 9/11 knowing that a serious ass kicking would be coming, in this case a nuclear ass kicking turning Iran into the world largest piece of glass.
Let me ask you (or anyone), what do you think we do about this loud mouth making threats? Do we tactically destroy any nuclear producing facility and hope he's cool with it? Or do we do what we did in Iraq, destroy the military, capture/kill Ahmadinejad and set up camp?
Dominus said:I find that next to impossible to believe.
Nukes are about political power, not military power.
The US and Russia proved again and again that nukes are nothing but a bargaining chip.
It's not even mutually assured destruction in the case of Iran. We might lose a few cities, and Iran will be wiped off the face of the map. Why would Iran do such a thing?
95DevilleNS said:Let me ask you (or anyone), what do you think we do about this loud mouth making threats? Do we tactically destroy any nuclear producing facility and hope he's cool with it? Or do we do what we did in Iraq, destroy the military, capture/kill Ahmadinejad and set up camp?
Joeychgo said:We do that, while sending operatives to contact and influence the younger, pro west crowd.
Joeychgo said:Close - all except for the set up camp part.
Iran has a growing pro west population. Do some research. If we started the war correctly, they might just finish it. How do we start? Remember the air war in Iraq 1990? We do that, while sending operatives to contact and influence the younger, pro west crowd.