AIR BAG Light Flashing - Question


LVC Member
Mar 28, 2005
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Ok, I know that when the AIR ABG light flashes the flashing sequence means something and of course "a qualified technician" can decipher the machine language code that it is flashing at me...BUT is there anyway, short of removing the bulb, to reset the darn airbag module and make the light stop flashing and flashing and flashing and flashing and......sorry.

The code I am getting is (1) flash......followed by (2) flashes. I am assuming that is a code 12. Which probably means that the airbag will go off in 1 hour and 12 minutes and I just havent kept the car running long enough for it to go off.

Any ideas, suggestions, comments are welcome. :feedback

Dave Crawford
Henderson, KY
newviiiowner said:
Ok, I know that when the AIR ABG light flashes the flashing sequence means something and of course "a qualified technician" can decipher the machine language code that it is flashing at me...BUT is there anyway, short of removing the bulb, to reset the darn airbag module and make the light stop flashing and flashing and flashing and flashing and......sorry.

The code I am getting is (1) flash......followed by (2) flashes. I am assuming that is a code 12. Which probably means that the airbag will go off in 1 hour and 12 minutes and I just havent kept the car running long enough for it to go off.

Any ideas, suggestions, comments are welcome. :feedback

Dave Crawford
Henderson, KY

why would the airbag go off in an hour and 12 min? (id stay in just for the fun of it!)
I wouldn't take the bulb out...on some cars it will cause more problems.
Get it checked soon it could be a sensor, sometimes when a problem goes on for a while without being fixed the thermal fuse in the airbag computer burns out, then you need a new one.
Are U talking about the Air Bag module itself or some other module or computer?? Cause I bought another Airbag Module from E-Bay and when I hook it up I get a code 51. Cute huh?
There may be more than one module involved in your airbag system. My 91 conti has 2, the 'brains' and also the 'reserve power module', which supplies power to the system for a few minutes after key off, or other reasons for no power to system via normal means. As far as the codes go, can't help, my conti flashes 55 all the time, but I know my front center sensor is bad (rotted out, and hangin by the harness). If I try to disconnect the light, i get a nasty seeming unstoppable chime (different from other chimes in car) telling me the airbag light is bad...
A code 12 is low battery voltage.
You can't clear the code. The air bag test its self at every start up and if you remove the bulb it will start an audible warning every few seconds to warn you the bulb is out and there is a problem.
We work on a lot of air bag systems at my shop.
I don't remember code numbers or anything, but in the contour I had, it went from a right front sensor code to a code for an internal thermal fuse blown in the air bag module, from not repairing the sensor issue. I had also heard rumors that removing the warning light bulb would cause the alternator to not charge. I am not sure if any of this information applies to Lincolns or not.
Not 100% sure, but I think 51 is the bad thermal fuse code. If so, the module is junk.
When I replaced the module with the one I bought from e-bay I got a code 51. What is that? How do you correct the code 12?
CODE 51:
Diagnostic monitor internal thermal fuse blown due to intermittant short to ground.
I hate to say it but you really need to take it to someone who works on air bag systems. It needs to be tested at the clock spring inside the steering column and if you do not test it correctly it can cost you a whole lot more in the end.
I forgot,
Code 51 Usually means the air bag has been deployed in that vehicle. Once the air bag has been deployed the module has to be replaced.
BIGEE66, How do you repair the Code 12 problem? You say that means low battery voltage. I hhad the battery checked and it is perfect 14.66 volts under load. It is less than 4 months old. I bought a good battery from Advanve autoparts too. Not a cheapee from Walmart. I am fully aware of the electrical issues with the Gen 1's and made sure I put in a good battery. What do I do now???
Code 12

I am on a short vacation till monday and I will not be at my shop. If it can wait, I will try to post a schematic and where to check voltages on monday.
I don't want to tell you the wrong places or you will be purchasing a new air bag and have a lot of powder to clean
There is a fuse for the diagnostic monitor under the hood in the fuse box. It could be blown. Especially if a bad module was put in. I am not sure without my trusty database but I think it is the #2 fuse. You might check there first.

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