Air Bag Light On?


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 21, 2005
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New Bedford
Hey everyone, just noticed today my airbag light is going on n off,, sometimes blinks,, sometimes stays on,,sometimes goes off,,lol

crazy sensitive thing.

Any ideas?
yeah...common problem and many threads cover this issue.

A connector comes loose under the drivers seat because that darn thing moves so much. Easy fix...a little hard to reach... from the back...look down there and you should see the loose wire.

I fixed mine once and a few months later it came loose again. I just learned to live with the darn light on.
or the clockspring has worn through - when it blinks - it will blink in a series of two codes - flash, flash, pause, flash...

watch the flashes next time and post - we can help you then
Air Bag

Quik LS said:
or the clockspring has worn through - when it blinks - it will blink in a series of two codes - flash, flash, pause, flash...

watch the flashes next time and post - we can help you then

yea it did do that once,, but also blikns,,,stays on,,goes off,,lol

How hard is the clockspring to fix? Do-It-Urself fix?
JPsBored said:
How hard is the clockspring to fix? Do-It-Urself fix?

about $100 for the part - about 2 hours to swap.

you have to pull off your steering wheel - easy once you have done it once....
my air bag light is on too. The light does the following flashes


anyone have any idea what this might mean?
thanks bro...I found a link that told exactly what was wrong with it. There is a wire that came disconnected from the harness. I guess i'll have to see what I can do to get it fixed. :D

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