air flow problem PLEASE HELP


New LVC Member
Nov 13, 2014
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Warm Springs
Can someone please help me identify what part is in the attachment. Over last few months LS has been idling irregular when you first start it up. The other day it got worse. When I crank it, it idles up and down and acts like its choking to deathl. I think I have identified where my problem starts. I just don't what these 2 parts are called. I have a mechanic friend who I live a long way from so I sent him pics of it and he said it was the PCV valve. I think he maybe incorrect since looking on web Ive found that PCV doesn't quite look like what Im dealing with. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Im thinking that if I replace these 2 little elbow things and the grommets my problem may go away, not sure just trying to see if this is gonna do it or if my problem is a little more serious. I just need help finding out exactly what this is. I thought maybe a vacuum hose but I have no clue. Thanks IMG_1415827937842.jpgIMG_1415828098223.jpg


pull the MAF sensor plug and see if it will run.
I tried that and at one time it would cut it off when you reconnect the MAF sensor but now it doesn't do anything when u disconnect or reconnect. If I unplug both hoses in the pic and plug up the holes with my fingers it tries to run right for a 15 to 20 seconds then starts choking again. I thought maybe that the computer could be over compensating for some reason since this was an issue that has gradually gotten worse. Also in the first pic, the hole that doesn't have a grommet in it, the grommet was completely worn out and didn't have a good seal so I figured that was a good place to start. I just don't know the part names for a lot of this stuff. I don't want to ask for the wrong thing at autoparts store
it's possible, my grommet was pretty much worn away there as well, however it still ran. Now I did have this sort of issue when my cats were clogged, so that is a possibility.

Also are you sure you are keeping fuel pressure? I would also check that.

If you can get it to run see if their are pulse of exhaust or if it is a constant stream.

Also if it will run so long as the MAF stays unplugged it is very likely your issue.
An idle issue could also be the IAC valve (I believe the gen1 V8 has one....) or a vacuum leak. How does it run otherwise?
it's possible, my grommet was pretty much worn away there as well, however it still ran. Now I did have this sort of issue when my cats were clogged, so that is a possibility.

Also are you sure you are keeping fuel pressure? I would also check that.

If you can get it to run see if their are pulse of exhaust or if it is a constant stream.

Also if it will run so long as the MAF stays unplugged it is very likely your issue.
It still runs now and there's no change whatsoever with MAF unplugged or plugged in. I'm thinking I'm dealing with a vacuum leak. I found 2 different plastic vacuum hoses that were dry rotted and my initial instincts were also correct about the PCV valve. The hose on top of pcv fell apart in my hand when trying to remove it. I hope this solves it.
Also I love my LS even its had some headaches along the way. One good thing is that I knew the bare minimum about working cars. The ol girl has taught me a few things along the way.
Also the exhaust is choppy definitely not constant. The ROMs go drastically up and down and its at point where doesn't quit even when driving and exhaust stays choppy. This something was an every now and again thing until last week it got much worse. I feel confident its a vacuum leak now. Hopefully replacing the 2 grommets, and a few random vacuum hoses that I found cracked will fix it.
An idle issue could also be the IAC valve (I believe the gen1 V8 has one....) or a vacuum leak. How does it run otherwise?

The first gen does, I clean mine every couple months or they get all clogged up and probably help the failing of the solenoid. It will cause rough idle. I do not know if enough to stall the car though.
it's possible, my grommet was pretty much worn away there as well, however it still ran. Now I did have this sort of issue when my cats were clogged, so that is a possibility.

Also are you sure you are keeping fuel pressure? I would also check that.

If you can get it to run see if their are pulse of exhaust or if it is a constant stream.

Also if it will run so long as the MAF stays unplugged it is very likely your issue.
It still runs now and there's no change whatsoever with MAF unplugged or plugged in. I'm thinking I'm dealing with a vacuum leak. I found 2 different plastic vacuum hoses that were dry rotted and my initial instincts were also correct about the PCV valve. The hose on top of pcv fell apart in my hand when trying to remove it. I hope this solves it.
Also I love my LS even its had some headaches along the way. One good thing is that I knew the bare minimum about working cars. The ol girl has taught me a few things along the way.
The first gen does, I clean mine every couple months or they get all clogged up and probably help the failing of the solenoid. It will cause rough idle. I do not know if enough to stall the car though.
The car isn't stalled. It still runs but I haven't driven it since this went from bad to worse
It still runs now and there's no change whatsoever with MAF unplugged or plugged in. I'm thinking I'm dealing with a vacuum leak. I found 2 different plastic vacuum hoses that were dry rotted and my initial instincts were also correct about the PCV valve. The hose on top of pcv fell apart in my hand when trying to remove it. I hope this solves it.
Also I love my LS even its had some headaches along the way. One good thing is that I knew the bare minimum about working cars. The ol girl has taught me a few things along the way.

Also the exhaust is choppy definitely not constant. The ROMs go drastically up and down and its at point where doesn't quit even when driving and exhaust stays choppy. This something was an every now and again thing until last week it got much worse. I feel confident its a vacuum leak now. Hopefully replacing the 2 grommets, and a few random vacuum hoses that I found cracked will fix it.

That sounds like a vacuum leak to me; been there done that many moons ago on a previous car. I got a code on my '06 (I know your 1st gen is a bit different but the principle is the same) for what was turned out to be a vacuum leak. Apparently when I cleaned my throttle body I cracked a couple of lines to/from the EGR valve. Somewhere around $10 later in vacuum hose and fittings later problem solved. There's a thread here somewhere, but here is a pic of my patch fob. I did use the factory connections at the fittings....



... and my initial instincts were also correct about the PCV valve. The hose on top of pcv fell apart in my hand when trying to remove it. I hope this solves it....

Funny, that surely looks like a gen I 3.9 V8. However, the 3.9s (gen I and gen II) do not have PCV valves. (There is a PCV system, but there is no PCV valve.) How about a picture of the thing that you think is a PCV valve?
(The round thing in your first picture is the EGR valve.)

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