air intake tube wierd sound ?????


New LVC Member
Feb 17, 2005
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I have the polished air intake tube for a v8. I am experiencing a sound that I am not sure if it is what I should be hearing. I am hearing what seens to be a low tone fog horn sound when ever I am at idle speed. Ie: at a spot light, sitting in traffic and so on. Please help
Low tone fog horn? Did you intall a whistle in there? You'll hear the intake sucking air quite a bit with the intake tube and open end filter. Make sure all of the hoses are tight too.
Sounds more like your describing a noise that I haven't heard a solution too. My parents 2000 Cougar has it once and a while and I read a thread a few months back on the Town Car site about it. Its a constant humming at idle, I believe when the car is cold. Its related to the MAF and suspected of being a vibration or something. I have the LSK Aluminum Tube on my 02 and it only makes beautiful noise, IMO.
I also have the Aluminum amd it sounds AWESOME. Ah Ken, I just realized that I did not reply back to your email awhile back regaurding my Intake. I was afraid if I pushed the plastic in too much I would shave it and if I decided to put the stock back on it would not fit. So I shaved the aluminum a little, blew it out with an air hose and it slid right in with a little bit of force. I think it should be fine since the hoses don't move at all.
chefjsp said:
I have the polished air intake tube for a v8. I am experiencing a sound that I am not sure if it is what I should be hearing. I am hearing what seens to be a low tone fog horn sound when ever I am at idle speed. Ie: at a spot light, sitting in traffic and so on. Please help
Hey I feel you on this one, I have the same exact intake(polished aluminum) and I have the exact same issue, I know its not normal, but I cant figure it out, the sound is just as you described and its getting ennoying, but besides that, I LOVE IT, great mod. Get back to me please, if you find out how to make it go away or if anybody has experienced this and solved it, please reply.
All I hear is sweetness, I like the tisssssss sound when you shut off the car, had a couple of people who were right next to it ask if I had a turbo or something :). I had that problem w/ getting that plastic piece myself, instead of really forcing it in and shaving anything I went and bought a fernco for like a buck and installed that way, no problems.
Beamer said:
All I hear is sweetness, I like the tisssssss sound when you shut off the car, had a couple of people who were right next to it ask if I had a turbo or something :). I had that problem w/ getting that plastic piece myself, instead of really forcing it in and shaving anything I went and bought a fernco for like a buck and installed that way, no problems.

Yeah I love the sound of mine as well and with the manual, I have also had ppl ask if I had a turbo with the "tisssssssss" sound. As for the question on the "fog horn tone" is it continous? If you have the time replace your stock setup with the cone filter/adapter and drive it to see if it makes the same noise. If not then replace the tube and make sure all your hoses are clamped tightly. Actually after reading your post again. I believe it is your hydralic fan motor. The reason I say this is it happens when you are at a stop light, and in traffic. I had this same problem. What the noise this. Your fan is running on high to keep your engine temp down, the reason you don't hear it all the time is because when your car is moving the air is helping keep it cool, But at stops the fan has to kick into high to keep the engine cool. it has been a common problem. I could be wrong but from what you have said in your post I almost bet that is the issue.
Beamer said:
I had that problem w/ getting that plastic piece myself, instead of really forcing it in and shaving anything I went and bought a fernco for like a buck and installed that way, no problems.

What's a fernco? I just got the tube and I'm having a problem with that same piece. Thanks. :confused:
I'm not sure if I spelt it right but its like the piece that connects the tube to the throttlebody except smaller. I got it a Lowes. Does that help?
Beamer said:
I'm not sure if I spelt it right but its like the piece that connects the tube to the throttlebody except smaller. I got it a Lowes. Does that help?

So its not a coupler, you just replaced that plastic tube then? Thanks.
Not really a coupler, its like something you'd use to hold two plastic pipes together and has a clamp or two to tighten and hold 'em in place.

You can kind of see it in this pic where you are having your problem.
Glad to help, I heard you can force it in w/ some type of lube but I was not about to do that cause I was not sure since I thought it could harm something. But if you to a hardware store or a place that has Ferncos and ask someone I'm sure they'd know what you are looking for.
HEY!! You just solved my biggest are talking about the hose closest to the throttle body right? So it's a fernco? Do you just push it in and then wrap the fernco around it?

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