Air Ride :)....


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 10, 2005
Reaction score
By a field in SD
Sup yall long time no see it seems, anyways my rear driver side bag has a leak in it. Should I get new bag and cellinod from the dealer for $202.00 or go to strutmasters for Bag and dryer for $170.00. Do yall think it would matter where I get it from or np.
Lincolnpimpin said:
Sup yall long time no see it seems, anyways my rear driver side bag has a leak in it. Should I get new bag and cellinod from the dealer for $202.00 or go to strutmasters for Bag and dryer for $170.00. Do yall think it would matter where I get it from or np.

Get them from Eddie at American Air or Strutmasters.

Don't get one form a dealer. Or see what Maxx at 5 Star Ford will sell them form.
mespock said:
Don't get one form a dealer. Or see what Maxx at 5 Star Ford will sell them form.

Well thats the price w/ a discount from the dealer I work at Ford Lincoln Mercury, so I get the discount. I think I'm going with american air suspension how do you order from there now. :)

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