Air Suspension Blows!


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Alright, prepare yourselves for a minor rant.

I recently purchased rear springs, compressor/dryer assembly, and Spider Xtreme from American Air Suspension. I could not be less happy. The dieing compressor I replaced, which had become loud as all hell was not nearly as audible as the newly rebuilt compressor I got from American Air. It works, but it does so in such a loud way it has scared absolutely every person that enters my car. Its embarassing to have such a loud noise that you can feel as well as hear. I called Eddie from American Air and he told me "Tolerances on the compressor are slightly variable, and some are louder than others. You should be concerned only if the sound changes." I wish I could say that makes me feel better, but it doesn't.

Also, even before I replaced any of my air components, my car was always lower on the passenger side than the driver side when it was parked, as for driver I'm not sure. Anyone have any idea what this could be? I checked the ride hight sensors and they are attached correctly and securely, is there anything else that could be causing this lean?

Last thing... If you need to replace your air suspension parts for some reason... DO NOT. I spent $528 dollars on the comp/dryer, spider xtreme, and rear springs, I would love nothing more than to get that all back and switch to non-air ride. Please do yourself a favor and eliminate the air ride from your car when the time comes to repair it.
Lugi20 said:
Also, even before I replaced any of my air components, my car was always lower on the passenger side than the driver side when it was parked, as for driver I'm not sure. Anyone have any idea what this could be? I checked the ride hight sensors and they are attached correctly and securely, is there anything else that could be causing this lean?

i had this problem too. My sensors were in exactly the same positions, compared to each other, with the same extension. What I had to do was take the side that was too high, and compress the sensor slightly so that it would lower to be even with the other side (my pass side was higher than my drivers side). I drilled a new hole in the bracket and moved the bracket up slightly. It was simple to do, no hassles.

I love my air suspension, it's part of what makes a mark a mark.
Are you sure that the compressor isn't mechanicaly (sp?) grounded to the car somewhere? I know someone that that happened to and like you said, you could even feel the vibration.

Just a thought.
I just bought an Air Compressor from American Air Suspension this week, I installed it on Tuesday. It's absolutely beautiful and silent. I've had been through three other compressors since I owned my Mark, and never have they been as quiet as this unit.

Not to belittle you, but are the rubber mounts all in place and the unit is bolted down securely?

As much as I do love the Air Ride, the arguments in favor of going to a spring set up are increasingly convincing. I won't do it, since I've already changed all the springs, the compressor, the relays.... but if I were starting out all over, I'd skip that and the fickle air ride's nature.
There are rubber bushings that you may or may not have installed when you put the compressor back on, that would explain the vibration and some of the noise. I noticed that when I took the tube that goes to some air box off, my compressor became louder.
The compressor came with the rubber vibration dampening bushings already installed on the comp/dryer assembly. I made sure that all 4 connections were secure before reinstalling the assembly.

What do you mean by mechanically grounded to the car?
Ok, first of all, BEFORE anyone decided to change to non-air ride, ride in a car that has already done so. I was contemplating switching over on the car I am going to be getting, but after riding in one I would not ever even consider it.....EVER. The only good thing is that the car handles a bit better in the bends, but that is from stock form. My sensor lowered car is NOT as tight, but damn close. Also, the ride is HARSH. I have been driving lowriders since I was like 16 or 17 years old, and over that time I have been accustomed to harsh ride, but over the years the technology out there has come along and having a lowered car/truck does not necessarily mean you have a harsh ride.

Nothing against having the coilover suspension, but just make sure that you know what you are getting yourself into. You MAY be disappointed. :D

Now for the compressor. Unfortunately there is the likelihood that you got the ONE in a million that is not as quite as it should be. I have installed over 50 of Eddies compressors, and have NEVER had one as loud as what you say you have. I am going to try not to sound condescending, but are you sure that you tightened down EVERY bolt that was removed? If so, try to take the compressor outta the bracket it is in and see if the noise remains. If the noise remains then it is the compressor (highly unlikely to me, but stranger things have been known to happen).:shifty:
Lugi20 said:
What do you mean by mechanically grounded to the car?

I think what he is saying is to make sure that you have everything tightened least that is the jist I get from that. :D
I Believe What He Means Is Make Sure..........

Lugi20 said:
The compressor came with the rubber vibration dampening bushings already installed on the comp/dryer assembly. I made sure that all 4 connections were secure before reinstalling the assembly.

What do you mean by mechanically grounded to the car?

that there are no areas of the compressor that is mechanically or physically touching the frame or any other components. That would be a mechanical grounding and could cause significant noise levels and vibrations. I believe that Eddy will stand behind his products and if you believe that it is too loud, get on the phone and express your displeasure.
1wykdmk8 said:
Ok, first of all, BEFORE anyone decided to change to non-air ride, ride in a car that has already done so. I was contemplating switching over on the car I am going to be getting, but after riding in one I would not ever even consider it.....EVER. The only good thing is that the car handles a bit better in the bends, but that is from stock form. My sensor lowered car is NOT as tight, but damn close. Also, the ride is HARSH. I have been driving lowriders since I was like 16 or 17 years old, and over that time I have been accustomed to harsh ride, but over the years the technology out there has come along and having a lowered car/truck does not necessarily mean you have a harsh ride.

Everytime I see one of these threads about the air-ride, I chuckle (just a bit) and then I open all the custom tuner magazines and look at all the custom air-ride vendors hawking their wares. Then i read the articles about this cool car that you can drop by doing this and doing that. I laugh at that money these guys have to put out to convert their car to air.

Here we sit with one of the first 'custom' cars with air suspension and all that and when I hear the whining I laugh. What some people would do to have what we have yet we have people that don't /or can't appreciate what we have. Sure, you have to spend a few bucks to bring it back to 'factory', but then you get another 10+ years out of the car as a daily driver (or longer, I think the new bags are made from better material).

Anyway, having what we have is a bonus, even if you have to spend a few bucks to keep it up.

Have fun!
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bufordtpisser said:
that there are no areas of the compressor that is mechanically or physically touching the frame or any other components. That would be a mechanical grounding and could cause significant noise levels and vibrations. I believe that Eddy will stand behind his products and if you believe that it is too loud, get on the phone and express your displeasure.

Yes, that is what I meant. Make sure that nothing is touching the compressor parts or brackets. The rubber isolators are there to isolate the compressor vibrations from the rest of the car. If something else is touching the compressor assembly, the isolators can't do their job and the vibrations will be transmitted through the car.
Just so you know, if you said that you had some other brand compressor, like Arnott, and complained that it was really noisey, we'd all probably expect that and just recomend you return it.

All of us are trying to find the problem because American Air Suspension has really earned a reputation for only selling a first class product. While mistakes can always be made, it's just uncharacteristic of the Eddie's work.
Could the harshness be from the quality of the parts? Does a T-Bird ride nice (I have never driven one)? I wonder if you use OEM T-Bird parts, or maybe brand name like Monroe if the ride would be better. I know Monroe sells a "quick-strut" which is an assembly for the front, complete with the mount and spring.
iv had some problems with air ride on mine as well but eddie spinks is a real stand up guy,he will back up his stuff and i would recomend him to anyone
my RF strut on my LSC started to leak two weeks ago......the front will drop all the way, the rear is going with the 1.5" drop coil conversion from american air.........sure, the air ride is what makes the Mark VIII even more unique, but cant afford to fix the fronts, then have the rears go out or the compressor, so im getting rid of the air suspension.......oh yeah my car only has 67K miles on for me moneywise, its just way cheaper to get rid of the air and go coil..........
billcu said:
Yes, that is what I meant. Make sure that nothing is touching the compressor parts or brackets. The rubber isolators are there to isolate the compressor vibrations from the rest of the car. If something else is touching the compressor assembly, the isolators can't do their job and the vibrations will be transmitted through the car.

Bill, what is it with you and NVH? I'm sure I heard you ranting about about someone's missing hood pad at Carlisle.

:D :p
BTW, I think Ray was refering to the ride of my 95.......

I prefer it over air ride as far as my usage of the car. My 98 on the other hand........I use it as a daily driver, and the air system is NICE to have when your running cross country. The 95 will rattle you to death.
94m5 said:
Bill, what is it with you and NVH? I'm sure I heard you ranting about about someone's missing hood pad at Carlisle.

:D :p

I've done a lot of vehicle NVH testing. I actually tested the Mark VIII back in 93 when I worked for the carpet supplier.

By the way, that hood pad is still on his car.:)
my95mark8 said:
Could the harshness be from the quality of the parts? Does a T-Bird ride nice (I have never driven one)? I wonder if you use OEM T-Bird parts, or maybe brand name like Monroe if the ride would be better. I know Monroe sells a "quick-strut" which is an assembly for the front, complete with the mount and spring.

I did a coil-over switch about a year ago, and I can tell you that I have never regretted it. And the ride isn't HARSH. It's a little less soft than the stock ride. I feel that the absence of anxiety more than makes up for the SLIGHTLY rougher ride.

The problems with the air ride get worse as time goes on, and it's increasingly difficult to figure out which component is the problem. Sure it's fixable, but it's also incredibly expensive. After 10 years you can't expect such an expensive system to be reliable anymore, especially one built by Ford.
Next time I have air suspension problems, I am converting to coils. I replaced my fronts with rebuilt units from American air. I couldn't afford the new ones at the time, so I think it was the right thing to do. If I get a year out of them, that's fine, but I am not going to spend $600+ for a pair of struts when they go. As much as I like my car, I am not sure it's worth spending that much money on, considering that I am still using 11 year old rear springs, and an 11 year old compressor. Things could start adding up quick at this point.

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