All you Shrubbites who say Congress saw same intel-Think again!

97silverlsc said:

Do you actually read the links and stories you post? Perhaps you missed this:

The President's otherwise exclusive control over national intelligence, however, is tempered by a statutory obligation to keep Congress, through its two congressional intelligence committees, "fully and currently informed of all intelligence activities..." Current law also prevents the executive branch from withholding intelligence information from the committees on the grounds that providing the information to the congressional intelligence committees would constitute the unauthorized disclosure of classified information or information relating to intelligence sources and methods.

In fact, the article enumerates very few situations where intelligence isn't shared between the Executive and Congress, and those situations relate mainly to sources and methods of gathering intelligence and not the intelligence itself. More importantly, this article says nothing about the intelligence that led up to the decision to go to war and how that intelligence was shared with Congress. So, if you were trying to use this article as "proof" that the President somehow hid something from Congress before going to war in Iraq, you did not succeed. Nice try, tho. :D

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