It's probably stupid to bring this up now...but when i read this i felt like an idiot.
I took my LS in to the dealer last year right before the warranty ran out. It was having a hard time starting...long story short they said they replaced something but the problem continued.
Since warranty was now done i just left it alone.
In JAnuary i took it in for same problem....different dealership since i didnt like the other one... but they seemed to have no problem finding the problem(better service when paying cash?)....2 leaking injectors....about $700 worth of work.
Never gave it much thought until now..... could i have gone back to them and told them they didnt fix the problem that i reported under warranty so they should fix it now....?....
would it have worked.....??
Since they keep records of i still have something?
The $700 i long considered lost money....i'm just a little updet that they couldnt find the problem....i wonder if they would have if i was paying cash the first time....