Already missing LVC


Dedicated LVC Member
Dec 24, 2008
Reaction score
I may not miss the car, but CL certainly is full up uptight people...after 1 month of being on their site, 1 week suspension.....why? Because they hate my language (which is censored btw)

Dear PetesSweet,

You have received an infraction at Club Lexus Forums.

Reason: Inappropriate Language / Cursing (edited or workaround of forum language editor)

This is your second warning regarding inappropriate language on our pg13 rated forum.

Non-work-safe Images and Profanity
Club Lexus strives to be a work-safe forum that allows our members to view topics without breaking most corporate web access rules. No nude images, near-nudity or overtly sexual content are allowed to be posted on our forum, used in signature images or avatars, or stored in our Club Lexus gallery. These rules apply to linked images and URLs to other sites with non-work-safe content, regardless if they are marked "NWS". These items will be removed without notice.

We also ask that a certain level of decorum be observed when posting ‘gross’ pictures. If your co-worker or grandmother would be shocked if they saw what you’re posting, then don’t post it.

Any profanity that cannot readily be heard on prime time network television will not be tolerated anywhere on the Club Lexus site. Members who violate the rule will be warned either in public or in private, and a second time will result in suspension. Obvious circumvention of the profanity language edits on our forum to carry the same meaning falls under this same policy.

These threads or gallery pictures will have images or profanity removed and locked or deleted without notification to the member.

Knock it off.

This infraction is worth 1 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:

Originally Posted by Yuri101
Is the Is250/350 too small in your opinions? Don't have an IS,but might be planning on getting one. They seem to be really small on the interior.

I think it's just right, Gives me perfect excuse not to drive fat ppl around too!

I ****ing hate fat ppl whom aren't trying to be healthy and stinky ppl in AND around any car I own or operate.....****ing hate em. :p

but if size is issue just get a GS

All the best,
Club Lexus Forums
Do they have a hot girl with her shirt pulled up like LVC. Tell them to eat dirt and die.
they don't have any of that and I don't get any Sig either :/

and funny thing is, it's all censored already, maybe not smileys but if I said :q:q:q:q, it would be censored as ****, so really it's tolerable but apparently they have the worlds largest gerbil up their ass, I mean seriously......we are all adults here and if they knew me I don't have a problem with fat ppl, just fat chicks
they don't have any of that and I don't get any Sig either :/

and funny thing is, it's all censored already, maybe not smileys but if I said :q:q:q:q, it would be censored as ****, so really it's tolerable but apparently they have the worlds largest gerbil up their ass, I mean seriously......we are all adults here and if they knew me I don't have a problem with fat ppl, just fat chicks

+1 fat chicks ruined my air ride D:
Nope! No other Lincoln sites. LVC is the only one that counts. Or matters! Lol . Really though. I feel your pain. I'm on a few other forums and it's pretty lax on LVC. Unless you're a total moron.
The good thing..... we're still here! So you can visit any time! ;)
Nope! No other Lincoln sites. LVC is the only one that counts. Or matters! Lol . Really though. I feel your pain. I'm on a few other forums and it's pretty lax on LVC. Unless you're a total moron.
The good thing..... we're still here! So you can visit any time! ;)

Ya, I just Lincoln would man up and make a Lincoln variant of the mustang!!!!! :q:q:q:q Cadillac has the V engine from the corvette in it, and the mks is too boaty for me and the taillights don't arouse me :p
I do hope to have a mustang and this Lexus together at some point
The Lincoln is a great Lincoln site.
Even though I no longer own a Lincoln, I still belong to that site, and post often on it.
There is a ton of technical knowledge for anyone wanting to know everything about Lincolns and Continentals.
Ya, I just Lincoln would man up and make a Lincoln variant of the mustang!!!!! :q:q:q:q Cadillac has the V engine from the corvette in it, and the mks is too boaty for me and the taillights don't arouse me :p
I do hope to have a mustang and this Lexus together at some point
Boaty is right! The new design guys or gals definitely got their inspiration from the ocean. I can see your relation to boaty they do resemble something like a tug boat !
Boaty is right! The new design guys or gals definitely got their inspiration from the ocean. I can see your relation to boaty they do resemble something like a tug boat !

I mean at least the mark 8 was low clearance so wind resistant is less
Oh! Ha Lol! Duh. I got ya. I still think at first glance they resemble a whale. But I get what you mean now.

Whale shark yo! Lol

Oh and I'll post the actual email which banned me for a week, cause after they sent me that email above I decided "alright if they are gonna be :q:q:qgy about this then I'll just post In Code" to which I only wrote a few letters of each word and the blank spaces would just be "*", so apparently the Admin who sent me that first email above was outraged that I did that and banned me for a week.
Dear PetesSweet,

You have received an infraction at Club Lexus Forums.

Reason: Ongoing public moderator commentary

With your next post, you continued the private discussion we were having regarding a recent cursing issue with an obvious public jab. If you wanted to continue to talk about our rules, a polite and mature PM would have been the appropriate next step.

Given your recent rude replies to me and this continued public reaction, I'm suspending your account for a week to cool down.
Club Lexus Moderators are a group of volunteers to help facilitate discussion on Club Lexus and they interpret and enforce our forum rules. They should not be argued with in public when enforcing forum rules and guidelines. All members are welcome to speak with the moderators about their concerns in a polite and calm manner in private. If you have a complaint, you can contact the administrator.

Ongoing public complaints about warnings and infractions you may receive from a forum moderator are not allowed and should be discussed via private message only with the moderator or administrator. Infractions and warnings can only be viewed by the individual who receives them and the moderator team. Once an issue is resolved, please learn from and move on from it.

Do not smart off to moderators. They are here by choice alone, and have been bestowed the privilege of maintaining this wonderful site, and acting on direct authority from the Owner and Administrator himself to enforce the rules, regulations, etiquette, and desired environment. Harassment of moderators and administrators either on or off-site of Club Lexus may result in immediate suspension of your access to our forum.

If you have any questions, concerns, comments, or issues with a moderator or a moderator decision, DO NOT create a post, please contact an administrator via PM or at
Do not rejoin under another account during this period, or the ban will become permanent.

This infraction is worth 2 point(s) and may result in restricted access until it expires. Serious infractions will never expire.

Original Post:
Originally Posted by Ice350
The IS is very small compared to its competitors. I got an IS as a service loaner and was miserable. Granted, I am a big guy but I can drive the Benz C and BMW 3 with little complaint. Overall, Lexus has missed the boat with interior comfort for big people. Even my GS has less leg room than the mid size Benz E. The SC430 is ridiculously cramped for a GT level car.

Back to the IS. Even the shoulder and head room made me feel like I was a sardine in a can. It appears the car was speciffically made for women and smaller guys. I don't understand building a car that limits customers based on size. There are a ton of them on the road and the majority seem to be women drivers.

Everytime I see one driven by a regular sized guy, he looks like a sardine in a can.
***n **e Audi **s sm** **groom ***t l*** the IS
All the best,
Club Lexus Forums

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