alternator issues

Jerriel Edwards

New LVC Member
Jan 30, 2014
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Now two dealerships are telling me two different things. first off im driving home hit the rear defrost no light the radio goes off car stops. Dealer tech say your batt dead but dosnt the alternator run the car. And another for ford says its the alt who is right and how hard is it to replace. help
Now two dealerships are telling me two different things. first off im driving home hit the rear defrost no light the radio goes off car stops. Dealer tech say your batt dead but dosnt the alternator run the car. And another for ford says its the alt who is right and how hard is it to replace. help

Battery runs the car, alternator charges the battery. Sounds like they're both right; you need a new alternator and battery.
I agree. Replace them both. Your alternator is failing, and that is killing the battery. If you only replace the alternator, the damaged battery may kill the new alternator. Replace both.
I agree with the above, you will do it either way, may as well save a second trip.

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