If you really want to begin building your own blocks, it's a really fun hobby- but bring your wallet, horsepower is more addictive than methamphetamines (and I should know :gr_devil:
) . Even a beginner can do it if you pay attention to detail and have the right stuff and the right books to help you out.
Start with the book "How to Build and Rebuild Small Block Fords" by Tom Moroe. "Engine Builders Handbook" also by Tom Monroe is also a pretty book. I think he also authored "How to Build Ford Engine's on a Budget" as well. Those are the books that got me interested in building engines by myself, as well as reawakened my interest in small blocks. The books will tell you how to buy and inspect blocks, buy tools and a shopping list for tools, parts, etc. They also have TONS of info on part and casting numbers, etc.
After reading the books, scour eBay and your local flea/ swap market for a good-shap small block. 302 or 351W are the easiest to start with, and they are countless aftermarket and OEM parts to choose from. After a trip to the machine shop and $350 out of your wallet, you're ready to buy heads, internals, and intakes.
That's how I got started. It's by no means a cheap hobby, but it sure is the funnest! My first built 351W cost me out-of-pocket $3,950 and change (including machine work)and made a little over 400HP at the dyno. After months of failing to find a good Mark VII to drop it in, I sold it to my cousin for a small profit and he dropped it in his 1986 Thunderbird and ran 12's. In fact, I used the profit to put a down payment on my 02' Continental.
It may look confusing at first, but once you get the hang of it you go.."ohhhhh, now I get it!". After your irst successful build, you can accomplish anything. Good luck with your new hobby!