Ann Coulter reveals Hate at the heart of Conservatives


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....... and goes largely ignored by the MSM:

Edwards Campaign Responds to Coulter Calling Him ':q:q:qgot'
Ann Coulter

By E&P Staff

Published: March 03, 2007 6:05 PM ET updated Saturday

NEW YORK In recent years she has suggested that Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton and Al Gore have or may have homosexual tendencies. Now columnist/author Ann Coulter has targeted former senator (and current candidate for president) John Edwards.

Edwards responded on Saturday with a statement: "Ann Coulter's use of an anti-gay slur yesterday was un-American and indefensible. In America, we strive for equality and embrace diversity. The kind of hateful language she used has no place in political debate or our society at large. I believe it is our moral responsibility to speak out against that kind of bigotry and prejudice every time we encounter it."

The Edwards campaign also responded by trying to fundraise some "Coulter Cash."

Speaking Friday at the annual Conservative Political Action Conference CPAC) in Washington, D.C., Coulter closed her remarks with: “I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate John Edwards, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘:q:q:qgot,’ so I -- so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Edwards.”

Audience members appeared startled, then many clapped, and she opened the floor to questions. The event was carried on C-SPAN. Many newspapers, including The New York Times, covered the event but failed to mention the Coulter slur at first.

But David Bonior, the former congressman and now Edwards campaign manager, responded in an email to supporters, "This is just a taste of the filth that the right-wing machine is gearing up to throw at us. And now that it's begun, we have a choice: Do we sit back, or do we fight back?

"I say we fight. Help us raise $100,000 in 'Coulter Cash' this week to show every would-be Republican mouthpiece that their bigoted attacks will not intimidate this campaign. I just threw in 100 bucks. Will you join me?

"Coulter's attack was no accident. It happened on national television at one of the year's biggest conservative conferences....If we can raise $100,000 in 'Coulter Cash' this week, we can show that bigotry will only backfire on those who use it."

Democratic Party chief Howard Dean weighed in later: "There is no place in political discourse for this kind of hate-filled and bigoted comments. While Democrats and Republicans may disagree on the issues, we should all be able to agree that this kind of vile rhetoric is out of bounds. The American people want a serious, thoughtful debate of the issues. Republicans -- including the Republican presidential candidates who shared the podium with Ann Coulter today -- should denounce her hateful remarks."

On Saturday, Kevin Madden, a spokesman for Romney said: “It was an offensive remark. Governor Romney believes all people should be treated with dignity and respect."

“The comments were wildly inappropriate,” said Brian Jones, a spokesman for McCain.

The remarks also drew disapproval from some popular conservative commentators. Ed Morrissey on his Captain's Quarters blog wrote: "Yeah, that's just what CPAC needs -- an association with homophobia. Nice work, Ann."

Michelle Malkin expressed disapproval, and at her Hot Air site regular contributor "Bryan" wrote: "I’m no fan of John Edwards, but that’s just a stupid joke. It’s over the line. The laughter it generated across the room was more than a little annoying. Last year it was 'raghead.' This year it’s calling John Edwards a ':q:q:qgot.' Two years in a row, Coulter has finished up an otherwise sharp CPAC routine with an obnoxious slur that liberals will fling at conservatives for years to come. Thanks, Ann."

Vice President Cheney addressed the group on Thursday. Rudy Giuliani and Mitt Romney appeared before her on Friday. Sen. John McCain skipped the event.

The New York Times' Adam Nagourney failed to mention the crack about Edwards, in observing Saturday in the paper: "The conference drew thousands of attendees, many of whom waited in a long line out the door for a late-afternoon appearance by Ann Coulter, the conservative author and commentator."

Later Saturday he posted a blog item at that did discuss the Coulter crack. For Sunday's paper he elicited this reply from Coulter: “C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.”

The Washington Post covered the conference but did not mention Coulter at all in its news report. Neither did the Associated Press, which also attended. UPI did mention the ":q:q:qgot" quote in its report.

The Los Angeles Times on Saturday quoted Coulter and even put the controversy in a headline. It closed the article: "A Giuliani spokeswoman said she had not heard the speech, and a Romney spokesman did not return calls late Friday."

The Post's Dana Milbank, in a column for the Saturday paper, observed: "Ann Coulter used an anti-gay slur to describe John Edwards (the line drew applause) and asked: 'Did Al Gore actually swallow Michael Moore?' When a questioner asked Coulter why she praises marriage but broke off so many engagements, she responded by calling the questioner ugly." Gee, wonder why Ann is so sensitive about her inability to land a man? Maybe SHE's still "in the closet?? Or maybe there's no man on this planet who could tolerate her?

Coulter's column is distributed by Universal.

To watch a video clip of Coulter's remarks, click here.

What is appaling to me, is the round of applause Ann received when she made that slur. How revealing this is of the inner hate towards gays that must lie at the heart of a majority of conservatives. How is this slur different that if she made this statement?

“I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘ni**er,’ so I -- so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Obama.”

or this.......

“I was going to have a few comments on the other Democratic presidential candidate Hilary Clinton, but it turns out you have to go into rehab if you use the word ‘cu*t,’ so I -- so kind of an impasse, can’t really talk about Hilary.”

The fact that this RWW "hero", who is admired by many of you here is so filled with hate speaks volumes about what is really at the heart of the modern conservatives in this country. At least I give Ann credit for being intellectually honest about her bigotry and hate, more than can be said for many conservatives. Too bad for the republican party that, as a praised "spokesperson" shes such a hate-filled, depraived, ignorant, intolerant, blow-hard cu-nt of a bitch. (NOTE: That was a JOKE! I'd never insult any woman by comparing them to Ann Coulter, that would be mean!) :rolleyes:

I wonder how Rush and O'Reiley will treat this, or if they'll just pretend it didn't happen.
Great thread title Johnny. So I take it that your argument is that Ann Coulter speaks for all conservatives? :rolleyes:

Tell me, did you condemn all the hate filled comments spoken about President Bush by democrats like Nancy Pelosi, Howard Dean, and John Kerry? Or is it just bad when a conservative like Ann Coulter calls someone the F-word? In other words, calling President Bush "dumb," a "drunk" and an "Idiot" out of hate is fine. But don't dare call John Edwards the F-word especially if you're a conservative because that will indicate how full of "hate" you are. Is that what this is all about?

Give me a break! :rolleyes:
This is such a non-story.

First of all, will the Democrat party be calling for a formal apology from Bill Maher for saying that he wished the assassination attempt against the VP was successful?

Bill Maher

First of all, Ann Coulter is NOT a politician. She is a not public official. She is a civilian like you or I, you she can say whatever she wants along with any backlash that results.

Second, the comment is clearly being taken out of context. It was a quick little jab at John Edwards before she started the Q&A session, using a joke that was a call-back, no doubt, to a topic she probably spoke about earlier in her speech.

After the guy on Gray's Anatomy was reported to have called another cast member a f-g, the actor checked into rehab over it.

Ann Coulter says things that are inflammatory on purpose. She appears to enjoy the frenzied, hysterical response such trivial comments generate from the liberal base. And frankly, that's part of her appeal, the defiant anti-PC tone. Unfortunately, when she does that, it often distracts from her arguments that are usually rock solid and well supported. But that's her choice.

Hateful? Hardly. As Mac mentioned, hateful is when you say the President is an idiot. When you say that he's a drunk, that he's willing to kill soldiers for profits, and when you say that you wish assassination attempts against him were successful. That's hate.

And to cap of the hypocrisy of Johnny's thread, he adds comments like this:

Gee, wonder why Ann is so sensitive about her inability to land a man? Maybe SHE's still "in the closet?? Or maybe there's no man on this planet who could tolerate her?
You attack Ann Coulter by implying that she might be a lesbian! You in essence attack her by calling her a f-g. Well done, Johnny, there's no stopping your ignorance or hypocrisy..

What is appaling to me, is the round of applause Ann received when she made that slur. How revealing this is of the inner hate towards gays that must lie at the heart of a majority of conservatives. How is this slur different that if she made this statement?
The round of applause is due to two things- one, the joking reference to something commented on earlier in her speech. And there is no "hate" on display, just a dislike of that ambulance chasing con-man John Edwards, and the joke made at the Brett Girl's offense.

The fact that this RWW "hero", who is admired by many of you here is so filled with hate speaks volumes about what is really at the heart of the modern conservatives in this country.
You're really a pathetic tool. You can't win a debate, so you're going to spin this kind of silliness into some kind of deep meaning analysis. Maybe you could throw another hateful attack into it while you're at it.

At least I give Ann credit for being intellectually honest about her bigotry and hate, more than can be said for many conservatives. Too bad for the republican party that, as a praised "spokesperson" shes such a hate-filled, depraived, ignorant, intolerant, blow-hard cu-nt of a bitch.
Well done.

If you'd like to read some hate, visit DemocratUnderground or Daily Kos.

I wonder how Rush and O'Reiley will treat this, or if they'll just pretend it didn't happen.
Since it's a non-story, they shouldn't bother dealing with it at all.
If desperate, hypocritical liberals seize the story and misrepresent it, like yourself, then they might comment on it.

O'Reilly will say that the comment was out of line and that Coulter does herself a disservice by using such course and offensive language.

Limbaugh will probably demonstrate the ridiculous double standard and hypocrisy of the left for trying to make this one punch line such a huge issue.
A video of Coulter and her comment is posted on YouTube and it's obvious that she was looking for attention. Anyone who says she used the F-word to express "hate" is out of line.
She's a whackjob IMO


MAC1 and Calabrio, blow it out your rear. The spirit of this thread is NO DIFFERENT than the DOZENS of pointless, attacking threads started by your RWW buddies here over similar, less offensive fux-pas (Chris Mathews drooling for CHRIST SAKES!!) by every dem or liberal and piled-on and blown out of proportion by yourselves. I don't see you denouncing those threads, so you can dish it out but you can't take it? How childish. The fact you are defending Ann's comments speaks volumes about the hate that lies at your hearts. Take your double-standard "morals" and shove it up your RETARDED arses. (That was a JOKE!! I'd never insult mentally disabled people by comparing them to your pathetic excuse for a "compasionate conservative". THAT would be mean!) :rolleyes:

MAC1 and Calabrio, blow it out your rear. The spirit of this thread is NO DIFFERENT than the DOZENS of pointless, attacking threads started by your RWW buddies here over similar, less offensive fux-pas (Chris Mathews drooling for CHRIST SAKES!!) by every dem or liberal and piled-on and blown out of proportion by yourselves. I don't see you denouncing those threads, so you can dish it out but you can't take it? How childish. The fact you are defending Ann's comments speaks volumes about the hate that lies at your hearts. Take your double-standard "morals" and shove it up your RETARDED arses. (That was a JOKE!! I'd never insult mentally disabled people by comparing them to your pathetic excuse for a "compasionate conservative". THAT would be mean!) :rolleyes:

John Edwards is a f/\ggot. Why should I denounce a comment I agree with? :rolleyes:

Johnny's had another Howard Dean moment. "You guys just make me soooo mad!!! YYYEEEEAARRRGGGGHHHH!!!" :bowrofl:

MAC1 and Calabrio, blow it out your rear.
Remember that point about your inability to win a debate. I stand by it....

The spirit of this thread is NO DIFFERENT than the DOZENS of pointless, attacking threads started by your RWW buddies here over similar, less offensive fux-pas (Chris Mathews drooling for CHRIST SAKES!!) by every dem or liberal and piled-on and blown out of proportion by yourselves.
Not quite. First of all, you take a joke and use it to imply that not only the Speaker has "hate in her heart" but you expand it to include the entire Conservative movement. Which is simply moronic.

You're correct, that this kind of "gotcha" nonsense is prevalent on both sides, and I would agree with you if you thought this kind of trivial attacking was hurting the democratic process.

But laughing at how excited Chris Mathews gets while displaying hit absurd liberal bias is great deal different than taking a joke made by an author and implying that the GOP were all hateful people.

And you went on to imly that she was both a lesbian and the "c-word."

I don't see you denouncing those threads, so you can dish it out but you can't take it? How childish.
I give my honest assessment in every thread I participate in. In the more trivial threads, I tend to be more inclined to simply skip them. In this case, you're included me, and people like me, in your broad attack.

Childish? Hardly. You're the guy using vulgar language and engaging in hypocritical insults. And I even respond to all of your baiting in a fairly articulate and level-headed way.

The fact you are defending Ann's comments speaks volumes about the hate that lies at your hearts.
There is no hate for people in my heart, you're comment is ignorant. I don't think her comment was hateful. I think it was a joke. A joke, that's what liberals so often use to defend their unabashed venom directed against Conservatives or those they don't agree with.

No one really thinks that John Edwards engages in homosexual sex. He's a married guy with kids, and if you want to listen to the old 90s gossip, a lawyer who used to be popular with the ladies.

Coulter didn't just start calling him names. She made a little joke in reference to an earlier subject addressed in her speech.

I won't argue that it was in good-taste. I won't argue that it wasn't supposed to be offensive. But I will say, it wasn't "hateful" to homosexuals.

In the meantime, you hypocrite, in your attack on her, you both call into question her sexuality AND refer to her as a female body part.

Take your double-standard "morals" and shove it up your RETARDED arses. (That was a JOKE!! I'd never insult mentally disabled people by comparing them to your pathetic excuse for a "compasionate conservative". THAT would be mean!) :rolleyes:
Bring on the hate, you dishonest, inarticulate, angry hypocrite.

If you have a point and think you can articulate it, post it and I'll be happy to school you again.
Interesting, Johnny. You bash Conservatives en masse for Coulter's remark, as Calabrio has pointed out, but you have zero comment on Maher's remark about the Vice President, which could be considered a hanging offense. Nor do you urge your fellow liberals to distance themselves from Maher.

And let's talk about his track record, shall we?

Maher has called Ken Mehlman gay, but I never heard you comment about that.

Maher has compared Laura Bush to Hitler's dog, but I never heard a peep out of you for that.

He's told Christians to "go screw," but...we all know you agree with that comment.

He's said that Bush couldn't find his a$$ with both hands and that America is a stupid country with stupid people.

Comment from you? Zip. Nada.

He's said that Iraq's torture is worse now than it was under Saddam.

You? *crickets*

When Alec Baldwin said that Henry Hyde and his family should be stoned to death for impeaching Clinton, what were you thinking? ("Yippee!")

You are a first-class hypocrite living in a glass house throwing stones. Your credibility is approaching absolute zero.
This is nothing more than a John Kerry botched joke. Now guys, remember all your positions on that little slip of the tongue and don't be going all hypocritical on us righties.

Now you libbies get a taste of your own spunk. How does it taste?

Well, first off, she actually said "If", so technically she didn’t call Edwards a foggat. Not that he isn’t the Breck Girl though.

She said that IF she did, she would have to go into re-hab. If anybody watches Grey’s anatomy, this is in reference to the actor who used the ‘F’ word against a fellow cast member. He said he would go into rehab and that seemed to make everybody happy on the set. So it was nothing more than a botched joke. Everybody knows that, just like John sKerry's.

He's so pretty and witty and gay! LMAO


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MAC1 and Calabrio, blow it out your rear. The spirit of this thread is NO DIFFERENT than the DOZENS of pointless, attacking threads started by your RWW buddies here over similar, less offensive fux-pas (Chris Mathews drooling for CHRIST SAKES!!) by every dem or liberal and piled-on and blown out of proportion by yourselves. I don't see you denouncing those threads, so you can dish it out but you can't take it? How childish. The fact you are defending Ann's comments speaks volumes about the hate that lies at your hearts. Take your double-standard "morals" and shove it up your RETARDED arses. (That was a JOKE!! I'd never insult mentally disabled people by comparing them to your pathetic excuse for a "compasionate conservative". THAT would be mean!) :rolleyes:
Careful Johnny, you'll pop a blood vessel--calm down. :rolleyes:
I see many of have clearly missed Johnny's point... There are countless threads in here that imply one person's deplorable actions speak for an entire party; now that Johnny does it back it's wrong?

Fossten... I see you stooped to the Coulter level with your "f@ggot" remark; but how is John Edwards factually a homosexual?
Fossten... I see you stooped to the Coulter level with your "f@ggot" remark; but how is John Edwards factually a homosexual?

I think all of us on the Right would submit to admitting that he is not a homosexual. A metrosexual? Yes. I think that we can ALL AGREE on that.

As far as the Coulter crack, why can't you see it for the joke it was. I mean, you saw John Kerry slam on the troops as a 'botched' joke. Double standard here because it is a conservative, eh. Typical.

Go search Grey's Anatomy. The 'issue' will show up that her joke was based on.

And when I was growing up, a f@ggot was a guy that acted less than manly. Had nothing to do with sexual preference. More to do with masculinity, which in the case of Edwards, applies.

Take a look at YouTube/Edwards and you'll see what I mean.:eek:
I see many of have clearly missed Johnny's point... There are countless threads in here that imply one person's deplorable actions speak for an entire party; now that Johnny does it back it's wrong?
That's your point and it's a fair point to make.

That's not what Johnny did. He didn't say "This is what Ann Coulter said, now would it be fair if I said all Conservatives were hateful." Again, I don't think she made a hateful comment and am perfectly willing to discuss that. Johnny's not interested in that.
I think all of us on the Right would submit to admitting that he is not a homosexual. A metrosexual? Yes. I think that we can ALL AGREE on that.

As far as the Coulter crack, why can't you see it for the joke it was. I mean, you saw John Kerry slam on the troops as a 'botched' joke. Double standard here because it is a conservative, eh. Typical.

Go search Grey's Anatomy. The 'issue' will show up that her joke was based on.

And when I was growing up, a f@ggot was a guy that acted less than manly. Had nothing to do with sexual preference. More to do with masculinity, which in the case of Edwards, applies.

Take a look at YouTube/Edwards and you'll see what I mean.:eek:

Yes, the guy is a bit "girly" at times...

We both know Coulter's crack was no joke, not even close to being one; she has expressed her disdian of homosexuals before. Kerry stuck his big foot in his big mouth, there's a difference between the two.
You absolutely wrong.

Again, absolutely untrue.

I read a transcript of hers when she was a guest speaker at a University (Colorado I believe), she was asked an honest question by an obvious and openly gay man about "Gay Marriages", her opening phrase to the guy was something along the lines of "Nancy Boy...".

If I can find it, I'll post it.

The woman is a hate/anger monger, that's her shtick and it's made her rich.
I read a transcript of hers when she was a guest speaker at a University (Colorado I believe), she was asked an honest question by an obvious and openly gay man about "Gay Marriages", her opening phrase to the guy was something along the lines of "Nancy Boy...".

If I can find it, I'll post it.

The woman is a hate/anger monger, that's her shtick and it's made her rich.

I've seen her speak in person, I'm very familiar with her work. She is not "hateful" to homosexuals, nor is she a hate monger.

Unfortunately, because she is so candid and unapologetic, and because she has a flair for the sensation and shocking, liberals are able to misrepresent her, and in doing so, dismiss the very strong arguments she makes.
Yes, the guy is a bit "girly" at times...

We both know Coulter's crack was no joke, not even close to being one; she has expressed her disdian of homosexuals before. Kerry stuck his big foot in his big mouth, there's a difference between the two.
Frankly, I don't see why John Edwards is "girly." He obviously cares about his appearance and so forth but I don't see were the "girly" statement applies. I was talking with female co-workers a couple of weeks ago and they mentioned how women generally want a man that takes care of himself.

I think Deville should apologize to John Edwards for his very offensive "girly" comment and get some anti-hate therapy. :D
Interesting, Johnny. You bash Conservatives en masse for Coulter's remark, as Calabrio has pointed out, but you have zero comment on Maher's remark about the Vice President, which could be considered a hanging offense. Nor do you urge your fellow liberals to distance themselves from Maher.

Show me where I have EVER defended Bill Maher. You can't because I haven't. I'm no big fan of Maher's, but the difference between him and Ann Cun-tier is Bill is a comedian FIRST, and a political commentator 2nd. Ann is a political commentator FIRST, and has a huge conservative fan base who puts her on a pedistal. And the reason I don't "pile-on" when you RWWs seem to already have the attack on the likes of Maher well in hand is because "piling-on" is a tactic you learned from your sexually deprived prison cell mates, or so you've said.

MAC1 said:
So I take it that your argument is that Ann Coulter speaks for all conservatives?

Calabrio said:
First of all, you take a joke and use it to imply that not only the Speaker has "hate in her heart" but you expand it to include the entire Conservative movement.

You are so blinded by your hate towards me you missed this:

JohnnyBz00LS said:
What is appaling to me, is the round of applause Ann received when she made that slur. How revealing this is of the inner hate towards gays that must lie at the heart of a majority of conservatives.

I didn't say ALL conservatives. But if there were any "boos" at the Conservative Political Action Conference , they were drowned out by the applause, so it is a fair assessment.

As for your claim that Ann made a "botch joke", did she even attempt to apologize? NO, she rubbed more salt in the wound:

reply from Coulter: “C’mon, it was a joke. I would never insult gays by suggesting that they are like John Edwards. That would be mean.”

Her jab may have been directed at Edwards, but her use of the f-word, regardless of it's prior useage as a joke on some TV show, was in fact an insult to homosexuals as it is a derogatory slur, no different than if she used ni**er if she was refering to Obama. So your "botched joke" argument is BS.

As for MY insults directed at Ann Cun-tier , she's public figure, if she can dish it out, she should be prepared to take some back too. I do applaud McCain, Guliani and even Michelle Malkin for denouncing Ann's comment. But apparently I can't possibly have the same expectations of you RWWs here, instead you chose to applaud the homophobic whore. (That was a JOKE! I'd never insult prostitutes by comparing them to Ann Cun-tier ! That would be mean!) :rolleyes:
More on the cluelessness of this blowhard Ann Cun-tier, she can't even piece together a logical thought from between her hate-filled rhetoric blasts:

From the February 26 edition of Fox News' Hannity & Colmes:

JON COIFMAN (spokesman, Natural Resources Defense Council): That's a surprising lack of faith in the American system and the ingenuity that we have in this country to develop better solutions.

COULTER: OK, but you don't have it.

COIFMAN: You know, the refrigerator you have today is --

COULTER: You're the ones who want to kill humans.

COIFMAN: -- 75 percent more fuel efficient than that old harvest gold one that your parents --

COULTER: And that does nothing.

COIFMAN: -- had at home in Connecticut, and it saves us three-quarters of the energy of times --

COULTER: No, you don't -- that is not new energy. That's saying that humankind is dying.

COIFMAN: -- times 300 million refrigerators -- is power plants that don't need to be built. It's pollution that doesn't need to go into the air.

COULTER: That's [unintelligible].

COIFMAN: It's electric bills that don't need to be paid by ordinary --

COULTER: And apparently candles.

COIFMAN: -- middle-class American families.

COLMES: Ann, are you listening? Are you listening to this man?

COULTER: Yes. You can --

COIFMAN: You can -- you can keep your beer cold. You can keep your --

COULTER: -- that is not producing new energy for new human beings.

COLMES: But you failed -- but you failed to respond --

COULTER: To say that we can spend less or that we can use candles is not an energy policy.


DARYL HANNAH (actress): Nobody has mentioned candles but you, Ann, I'm afraid. Oh SNAP! *owned* by an ACTRESS! :bowrofl:

HANNITY: All right. But let me go to Al Gore's book, Earth for the Unbalanced [sic]. He said higher taxes on fossil fuels is the first logical step in our policy, you know, et cetera. Then he talked about eliminating the internal combustion engine in 25 years.

What is the agenda, in your mind, behind the hysteria? Because I think it's an anti-capitalist agenda.

COULTER: It's anti-human. They want all of America to look like Amagansett [New York], where they -- the beautiful, rich people -- live in their homes, and there are a few maids. Well-tempered maids will come in and take care of them, bicycling to work. But they want to destroy the middle class of America.

And, I might add, I know they hate the middle class of America, but it would also wipe out their little friends in Chad and Darfur, who need energy to eat, to live, to have -- to go to the bathroom indoors in winter. It has nothing to do with Priuses or candle power. The energy is what allows humans to live.

COLMES: I have a way to reduce everything: Don't exhale. Thank you for being with us. *owned*

HANNITY: That's good advice for liberals.
But apparently I can't possibly have the same expectations of you RWWs here, instead you chose to applaud the homophobic whore. (That was a JOKE! I'd never insult prostitutes by comparing them to Ann Cun-tier ! That would be mean!) :rolleyes:
Of course that wasn't a joke. :rolleyes: Now, apologize and go get some therapy. Remember, it's just as bad, mean and hateful to insult a heterosexual as it is a homosexual.
Show me where I have EVER defended Bill Maher. You can't because I haven't. I'm no big fan of Maher's, but the difference between him and Ann Cun-tier is Bill is a comedian FIRST, and a political commentator 2nd. Ann is a political commentator FIRST, and has a huge conservative fan base who puts her on a pedistal. And the reason I don't "pile-on" when you RWWs seem to already have the attack on the likes of Maher well in hand is because "piling-on" is a tactic you learned from your sexually deprived prison cell mates, or so you've said.
Show me where you ever condemned him. Show me in this thread where he condemned him. Show me any formal condemnation you've made of any GENUINELY offensive comments made about George W. Bush or conservatives in general.

Second, you distinguish Bill Maher and Ann Coulter by saying that Bill Maher is a comedian first and a commentator second. You think this is a valid distinction. I would say that the biggest difference is that Ann Coulter isn't an uneducated jack-ass like Maher, but that's besides the point.

Neither of them are elected officials, public spokespersons, they both make a living providing their insight and observations to the public.

You're intellectual dishonesty and hypocrisy is on display here, Johnny.

You are so blinded by your hate towards me you missed this:
I don't have any hate towards you...

I didn't say ALL conservatives. But if there were any "boos" at the Conservative Political Action Conference , they were drowned out by the applause, so it is a fair assessment.
You assertion that the joke was "hateful" is incorrect. So you're starting out with a false premise and then making all your false assertions based on it.

As for your claim that Ann made a "botch joke", did she even attempt to apologize? NO, she rubbed more salt in the wound:
I don't think it was a botched joke, I think it was delivered exactly as she wanted to, and it was funny.

Her jab may have been directed at Edwards, but her use of the f-word, regardless of it's prior useage as a joke on some TV show, was in fact an insult to homosexuals as it is a derogatory slur, no different than if she used ni**er if she was refering to Obama. So your "botched joke" argument is BS.
First of all, f*g and n*gger have entirely different meanings, histories, and cultural significance.

The use of the word "f*g" is precise because that's what ties it to the early subject in her speech, regarding Isiah Washington. It wasn't a "joke on a t.v. show"- it was a story about a guy ON a t.v. show. I'm not going to condemn you for not knowing this kind of trivial crap about the case of Gray's Anatomy, but I will condemn you for not understanding the explanation or confirming it for yourself.

As for MY insults directed at Ann Cun-tier , she's public figure, if she can dish it out, she should be prepared to take some back too.
She can take it, and she loves getting people like you worked up into a frenzy, for better or worse. But you calling her names like that, implying that she is a lesbian, all indicate that you are a RAGING HYPOCRITE.

I do applaud McCain, Guliani and even Michelle Malkin for denouncing Ann's comment. But apparently I can't possibly have the same expectations of you RWWs here, instead you chose to applaud the homophobic whore. (That was a JOKE! I'd never insult prostitutes by comparing them to Ann Cun-tier ! That would be mean!) :rolleyes:
You're lack of wit or thoughtful comments aside, you don't get it.

Conservatives are divided on this. When Coulter makes shocking comments like this, she does allow herself to be misrepresented by the press and her association makes the cause more challenging. She also has changed the focus of that Conservative convention to her, and not th substance of it.

Others are happy there's a defiant and articulate voice who isn't afraid to throw bombs back at the liberal establishment.

That divide would have been an interesting discussion. You're not smart enough to have brought that up though.

The joke wasn't homophobic. It was a shot at John Edwards and a joke about Political Correctness.

My personal opinion is this- Coulter chose the wrong venue for that joke. There's nothing wrong with the comment, but despite that fact it might have been off the cuff, she knows what the ramifications of such a comment would be. And in doing so, she has given the ignorant liberal establishment more ammunition to distort and perpetuate the false claim that conservatives are "hateful." Further more, she distracted what little attention the convention could have gotten (note: the press wouldn't have given it any attention anyway, unless it were a negative story) to herself.
JohnnyBz00LS said:
As for MY insults directed at Ann Cun-tier , she's public figure, if she can dish it out, she should be prepared to take some back too.

Hey Johnny.

I'm pretty sure Ann Cun-tier could take you on. Her only question for you would probably be: Is it in yet?
Johnny is the posterboy for the angry, lashing out, idiot liberals who have no sense of humor.

He totally missed the fact that Ann's joke was a Grey's Anatomy reference. He calls names, he accuses Calabrio of hating him. "Waaaaah! Waaaaaah! You hate me! Waaaaaah!"

He gives Maher a pass because he's a comedian first, never mind the fact that Maher is a not-funny failure of a comedian and has an audience rivaled by the membership on this forum.

What a petulant little child. Grow a pair and get a life
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