Another A/C Question - Didnt Wanna Hi-Jack a Thread


Active LVC Member
Aug 10, 2013
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United States
Ok I last drove the car in march, after installing 8 FoMoCo CoPs.
About a week after that the car had begun shredding accessory belts, so i parked it after it ate 2, been sitting since.
2 weeks ago I installed a new tensioner and Idler pulley, belt shredding problem solved.

Now when i removed the fan and shroud 3 times total, while moving the 3 items attached to the passenger side (small pump, DCCV, and accumulator? i believe.) Could i have damaged the the DCCV by moving it aside? I double checked connections, all intact. #1 fuse is not blown, and the car only blows hot, not like the classic one side hot, one side cold issue associated with DCCV's. Also I noted when reinstalling the fuse, the DCCV gives a noticable click.

Now i was not able to get the Module (inside controls) to enter diagnostic mode, (according to instructions found on here, press off + floor together then Auto within 2 seconds) yet all things seem to work and light up properly.
I had a graduation party today for my neice or i would have taken the time to look and see if the compressor is engaging, i do not remember if the clutch engage was noticable on the car when the ac worked, so hard to do an audible sound compare. So beyond checking clutch engagement tomorrow, if it passes that, what is my next step?

btw guys, i will make sure the car has freon in it................hahaha

(also i am not familiar with how the cooled seats work exactly, but they did not cool either)

Thanks ahead of time for your help guys.
Why did you remove the fan?
If it is heated air, then the DCCV is very likely at fault. It doesn't have to be just one side. Both sides can fail at the same time, or if the driver's side fails, it overpowers the passenger side anyway.
Your AC system does not use Freon (R-12), it uses Suva (R-134a). If you want to use the general term for it, it's refrigerant.
The heated/cooled seats are independent of the AC system (except for the controls). If they aren't working, then you have some other problem there. They use little thermoelectric peltier modules (kind of like a little solid state heat pump).

There are plenty of threads (some very recent) on how to diagnose the problem down to either the DCCV or the refrigerant system.
Your AC system does not use Freon (R-12), it uses Suva (R-134a). If you want to use the general term for it, it's refrigerant.
Damn Joegr, did you think i was serious about freon? come on I read enough threads seeing people calling it freon and quickly being corrected, Humor buddy, even if it was bad, its humor. I spent 9 years in HVAC, I know about refrigerants.

If you have arms that have any kind of muscles on them, you need to remove the fan for better belt access, and to save my sanity. Believe me i tried doing it without, not possible for me.

I would also try not to add a thread about my findings if it didnt seem vastly different from other DCCV threads that i had read, like both sides blowing hot, and it wasnt killing the fuse like some had experienced, also it clicked when reinserting the fuse, the only thing i hadnt checked was the compressor clutch. But i guess i will have to waste more time reading more threads.

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