Another AC problem


Dedicated LVC Member
Jan 23, 2005
Reaction score
Saint Louis
Ok so my ac has been out for a while now. At firs ti thought it was no antifreeze (cause it was empty), but i filled it and still not working. When i turn it on cold it hiss' and doesnt stop doing it. Also sometimes when i drive the car sounds like its not getting enough air. like its trying too hard. Real hard to explain. it comes and goes and goes off when i run the ac for a minute. I searched and read this thread
but not sure if thats what i need. I dont wanna take it to the shop jsut yet (real busy and need a car). Im hoping somone has had a problem like this and can give me insight. also sometimes i notice a slight smell of anitfreeze when i start the car. Please help me its getting hot as hell in this all black car.
hiss noise when the a/c is on, usually low refriderant charge.

Your coolant expansion tank (resivior) is probably leaking thats why your anti freeze is low and you smell it.

what year is your car? v8? v6?

Spend some money and get it looked at. It may just need to be charged. So have it charged and leak checked.

Two separate problems. Coolant leak and a/c problem. First, fix the coolant leak before you seriously damage the engine. Then tackle the a/c problem. If I understand you, you say the engine really bogs down with the a/c on. That along with the noise makes me wonder if you have a compressor problem. Regardless, a/c issues like this cannot be solved without having the proper equipment (gauges, leak detector, freon recovery, etc) I would highly recommend you have a qualified shop look at it for you.

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