Another over heating question........


Active LVC Member
May 14, 2009
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........and yes I looked over previous threads.
I had an intermittent over heating issue years ago...........not sure what made it stop , but after a new t-stat it seemed to be OK?
Over heating as of this weekend......
Anyway , all the plastic parts are only a few years old as they've been replaced since then..........but I'm not sure as to the "list" of what you guys have suggested replacing........maybe I missed something?
The t-stat housing and pipe in the front ( cant recall exact name , like a connector of sorts ), degass bottle were replaced............even DCCV valve is new........the thing is overheating again..............and as you can imagine I'm pissed! Did I mention I'm pissed?
There is water all over engine......where the hell is it coming from because I sure as hell can't detect it?
Also , a solenoid below the filter dryer was "buzzing" after the engine was shut off and key removed from ign?
What are the most common causes...........for over heating. I just dont believe its a t-stat .
What is that solenoid for?
Aux water pump check for a hole in the radiator. Mines had a hold center bottom that blew coolant up on the motor. Thought it was the lower hose at first changed it then I noticed the next drive out it was a hole at the bottom center of the radiator on the inside behind the fan. Just a thought.
It's overheating because you have a leak.
You know you have a leak because you see coolant (I hope you are using coolant and not just water).
The buzzing sound is from the aux pump. It's trying to cool off the engine. (Yes, even with the key off.)
It's overheating because you have a leak.
You know you have a leak because you see coolant (I hope you are using coolant and not just water).
The buzzing sound is from the aux pump. It's trying to cool off the engine. (Yes, even with the key off.) do realize what a royal pain in the arse it is to find a leak ? In this case , until its hot and pressurized and even THEN , its a biotch.
This is the reason new cars piss me off..........too difficult to service , and too expensive to maintain.
I'll take my chrome bumper classics for service over these ANYDAY.
Aux water pump check for a hole in the radiator. Mines had a hold center bottom that blew coolant up on the motor. Thought it was the lower hose at first changed it then I noticed the next drive out it was a hole at the bottom center of the radiator on the inside behind the fan. Just a thought.
I'll look. do realize what a royal pain in the arse it is to find a leak ? ...

Yes, I do.
What magic would you like me to do so that you don't have to do this? Don't you think I'd do that magic instead of the hard work that I have to do myself when something like this comes up?
Yes, I do.
What magic would you like me to do so that you don't have to do this? Don't you think I'd do that magic instead of the hard work that I have to do myself when something like this comes up?
Joe , yes...please wave that wand LOL
I'm getting old and tired to do this stuff...........
i had a over heating problem with my ls too, it turned out the water pump impeller had cracked in half so it wouldnt pump the coolant around....20 minutes and $60 later,no more overheating.....

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