Another question about my mark ,VIBRATION!


Well-Known LVC Member
Oct 15, 2005
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Hey guys again sorry to start another thread,But this was my biggest concern with the car was sometimes I get a vibration when Im doing around 50 or so and it shifts into overdrive.It only happens for a second or 2.I remember way back on a old truck I had the same problem and it turned out to be a bad ujoint.I dont think its coming from the trans,When I let off the gas and hit it again as Im moving I do get a clunk.Is there anything else that might cause this?
What you describe sounds like it could be a whole bunch of different things, such as spark plugs wires etc, tranny sticking (needs Mercon V or more), or bad fuel filter or pump. Can you get more specific or update the condition of the car.
I didnt really describe it too well,Let me try again.Its not a miss or engine issues.When your going around 50 and you let off the gas some and it goes into overdrive,Basically when your feathering the gas it vibrates for a second ,when you either speed up or slow down it goes away.Im fairly sure its a bad ujoint thats what my truck did.Im going to replace it (probably needs it anyways at 138K)and go from there.
Does the vibration feel like you're driving over rumble strips on a highway? If so, that's usually from the torque converter. Get a transmission fluid purge with Mercon V and that should fix it. Or you could put some trac-lok additive in your present trans fluid and it'll go away, too.
it feels like that.But the fluid is perfectly clean.before I add anything to the trans I will check that ujoint,Another buddy mechanic of mine confirmed it could be the culprit.if it isnt it,I will do exactly as you suggested.Thanks!
I'd only suggest the trac-lok additive as a temporary thing, as the Mercon V is a much better fluid and is a suggested replacement for the 4R70W. At least if you get it all purged and a new filter installed, you'll know you have some miles before you need to change it again.

If you have an AAMCO transmission place by you, they have a lifetime, $99.95 purge deal. A friend of mine did that in his 93 every 10k or so and had no problems. I'd bring your own Mercon V, though, as they'll probably throw the same stuff in that the factory used.
Trac-Lock additive is for your rear end. to aid the ckutch packs in the trac lock. I wouldn' put that in my tranny. Spend your money to do it right and change over to Mercon V fluid and a filter change would be my suggestion, and while at it replace you old accumulators and springs (1/2 J-Mod)
Absolutely start with a tranny flush. It wont hurt you if thats not the problem, so the money isnt wasted.

I personally recommend you also add a bottle of Lucas Transmission Treatment.
Alright again thanks for the great advice.This place rocks!I have been driving the car for the past couple of days and the only other thing I noticed while driving is this.If I have my foot barely touching the gas,Car would be in 3rd or 4th gear I assume.Because Im doing about 45-50 when this happens It seems like the idle is going up and down.It doesnt seem like a trans slip,just like a up down up down ever so slightly.I love this car im just hoping the trans istn going to conk out.The fluid in it now is prestine.That is what has me baffled.But like I said before I am going to have it purged tuesday and I will let you folks know from there.Thanks!
A bottle of Lucas tranny fix will also be a nice help and prolong your tranny.

Hope your flush cures it. I was in your spot this past summer. Mine ended up being the Torque Converter.
Roadboss said:
Trac-Lock additive is for your rear end. to aid the ckutch packs in the trac lock. I wouldn' put that in my tranny. Spend your money to do it right and change over to Mercon V fluid and a filter change would be my suggestion, and while at it replace you old accumulators and springs (1/2 J-Mod)

You wouldn't, but I have and it works.

It's basically the same as this:
ok folks,
i dont know as much about these cars as most of you do,but as for ford transmissions in general,this is cheapest/best thing you can add to your tranny,

many (i mean a lot)of transmission shops use this.

eliminated shudder,
converts mercon iii to mercon V

many places dont carry expensive mercon V,they just use a bottle of this with mercon III

i highly recommend this stuff,and so does a lot of pro's

hope this helps.

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