Marxists - Socialists
Yes, Pepps I know you have some other sites that you might find bettter but... First.... Doc... you are fantastic and thank you thank you thank you for making this trip great for my Daughter. Our stay and your hospitality was appreciated.. Oh and just an up date... Water Pump went out on the Motorcycle in Pocatello, ID... Now do you think that the Honda dealer would be able to get the part for a 27 year old bike... Nope... Bet you can't guess who found the part for me.. The person known for his abiltiy to use the search function... So not that he needs it but the route through Frogman goes through me.... I'm proud to call him my friend... Thanks Frogman I'd give you a hug but you'd kick the $hit out of me LOL... Thanks... Hopefully we are back on the road tomorrow...