Another silly political quiz...

I scored a 36.

Question 10 was totally misleading:

10. Which would curb violent crime most?

Stricter controls on the sale of guns
Mandatory sentences for those who use guns in the commission of a crime

Actually, I preferred to answer "neither," but that was not a choice available to me.

Apparently, trusting the Pentagon over the Postal Service makes you more conservative. LOL
HA! A 38! That's two points shy of the Gipper!!!
:D We already knew you were a &^%$@# liberal! :D

I'm afraid Johnny would score a Jesse Jackson. :lol:

19 is almost in the middle of a 1-40 scale chief... I'm liberal-light [at best] and proud of it, you far fringe conservative oppressor!
If '33' is fringe conservative oppressor, they what am I at '38'?
If '33' is fringe conservative oppressor, they what am I at '38'?

Too many loaded questions or ones that I agree with neither option. For example:

Which do you trust more:

The executive branch or
The legislative branch?

The FBI or
The IRS?

The answer to both is NEITHER

3. What about private institutions and people? Which do you trust more?

Union leaders or
Business executives?


9. Whose political views do you consider more extreme, those of (former) Surgeon General Joycelyn Elders or the Rev. Pat Robertson?


Good grief, how old is this thing? Well, at least they let me choose NEITHER.

10. Which would curb violent crime most?

Stricter controls on the sale of guns
Mandatory sentences for those who use guns in the commission of a crime

Dammit, where NEITHER on this one? Mandatory sentencing is wrong, period. And I'm against gun control. So I'm screwed.

14. U.S. interests are more seriously at stake in Haiti than they are in Korea.

Agree Disagree

Another outdated question. How many people are going to pick Haiti?

16. The news media is dominated by liberals.

Agree Disagree

The word "dominated" makes this a loaded question.

17. The religious right is a threat to our political system.

Agree Disagree

Another loaded question.

For what it's worth, I scored a 16.

However, in this quiz, I'm described as a "Smaller Government Centrist". Go figure.
I was thinkin maybe Hitler or something, but "goofy, bug-eyed, fat satan"?! Wow. Didn't see that one comin'.:)

Funny thing, I don't think Hitler would be considered much of; or at least a staunch conservative by today's standards.

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