Another stupid lie


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 25, 2004
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Bush Says Voters Ratified Iraq Policy

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush says there is no need to hold anyone in his administration accountable for what has happened in Iraq because the voters have already spoken.

``We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections,'' Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post for Sunday's editions. ``The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates, and chose me.''

In the interview, conducted Friday aboard Air Force One, Bush set no schedule for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq and said he will not ask Congress to expand the size of the National Guard or regular Army.

The session with the Post was one of a series of media interviews the president has held leading up to his inauguration to a second term on Thursday.

Bush said he will not press for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and has no plans to cut benefits for the approximately 40 percent of Social Security recipients who collect monthly disability and survivor payments.

He urged Americans to be patient as Iraq moves toward creating a democratic nation in place of a dictatorship.

``On a complicated matter such as removing a dictator from power and trying to help achieve democracy, sometimes the unexpected will happen, both good and bad,'' he said. ``I am realistic about how quickly a society that has been dominated by a tyrant can become a democracy ... I am more patient than some.''

He declined to second recent remarks by Secretary of State Colin Powell that troop levels in Iraq could be reduced this year.

``The sooner the Iraqis are ... better prepared, better equipped to fight, the sooner our troops can start coming home,'' he said.

Rather than propose an expansion of the National Guard and regular army, the president said, ``What we're going to do is make sure that the missions of the National Guard and the reserves closely dovetail with active army units, so that the pressure ... is eased.''

Bush said he was pleased with the pursuit of Osama bin Laden, blamed for the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. ``I will be more pleased when he's brought to justice, and I think he will be,'' he said.

He acknowledged that U.S. standing has diminished in the eyes of some countries and said he has asked Condoleezza Rice, his nominee to replace Powell, to launch a diplomacy campaign that ``explains our motives and explains our intentions.''

He predicted most Muslims will eventually see America as a beacon of freedom and democracy, but said: ``There's no question we've got to continue to do a better job of explaining what America is all about.''

The Post reported that after saying in the interview he probably would not lobby for passage of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, White House spokesman Scott McClellan telephoned the paper on Saturday to say the president wanted to clarify his position.

The spokesman said Bush was ``willing to spend political capital'' but believes it will be virtually impossible to overcome Senate resistance until the courts render a verdict on the Defense of Marriage Act that attempts to block gay marriage by federal statute rather than a constitutional amendment.

What a bunch of crap. GWB is a stupid liar.
"We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections,'' Bush said..."

We sure did, didn't we? The left threw everything they had at him and he came out stronger in the end. He did such a crappy job that he won by 3.5 million votes. Sure wish he could run a third time. I guess we will have to wait for Jeb's turn at the wheel.
George w. didn't win the election, Kerry lost.
The president did not regain the presidency because of his polocies but because Kerry was not a popular person.
Had the Dems gone with Joe Liberman, I think Mr.Liberman would be taking the oath of office next thursday instead of Bushie boy.
Bush did not win any mandate, what happened is Kerry lost all credibility.
So now, we have four more years of this joker and then perhaps the dems will see the error of their ways.
I hope they can drift away from the extreme left wing loonies in their party, and get serious about putting up a candidate with some common sense.
Joe Liberman would be my choice.
I love you guys. Bush didn't win, Kerry lost.

Remember, the country had a record turnout? Remember what that was supposed to mean? All those kids were going to vote for Kerry. All those rallies and concerts and hollywood fundraisers and $100 million documentaries. And loss of life and billions spent fighting a war nobody wanted. And the worst economy in 50 years and all the unemployment.

What happened. They were all lies. LIES, LIES, LIES.

Sure, a record number of votes for re-electing a President. "Turnout in the Nov. 2 election was the highest since 1968, and 60.7 percent of eligible voters cast ballots for president, the report found. Turnout rose by 6.4 percent, or about 17 million votes, from the 2000 election"
I guess the kids were too stoned from the all the concerts and forgot what day it was.

People hate Hollywood liberals.

Michael Moore is a big, fat liar.

We lost hundreds of lives, but maybe saved millions.
Shopping malls across the country have been jammed.

We now have a NET GAIN in jobs
since Bush took office. And that includes factoring the recession caused by the Clinton internet bubble (1 mil) and the 9/11 terrorists acts (1 mil) that shut the country down and changed the way we do business.
People know the war was unpleasant but necessary. Hundreds of thousands of lives were saved with the ouster of Saddam.
Oil prices rose and started to come back down. Remember Bush's deal with the Saudis to have really cheap gas just before the election to help him get re-elected? We had the highest gas prices ever. Bush still won.
The worst economy? No, we've had one of the best in decades.

See, people saw past the smoke set up by the left. They ignored all the lies.
Plus, the fact that Kerry was a traitor that would attempt to get in bed with our enemies didn't help his cause.

In the end, the Democrats have been reduced to a bunch of

Democratic Seal.JPG
barry2952 said:
Bush Says Voters Ratified Iraq Policy

WASHINGTON (AP) - President Bush says there is no need to hold anyone in his administration accountable for what has happened in Iraq because the voters have already spoken.

``We had an accountability moment, and that's called the 2004 elections,'' Bush said in an interview with The Washington Post for Sunday's editions. ``The American people listened to different assessments made about what was taking place in Iraq, and they looked at the two candidates, and chose me.''

In the interview, conducted Friday aboard Air Force One, Bush set no schedule for withdrawing U.S. troops from Iraq and said he will not ask Congress to expand the size of the National Guard or regular Army.

The session with the Post was one of a series of media interviews the president has held leading up to his inauguration to a second term on Thursday.

Bush said he will not press for a constitutional amendment banning same-sex marriage and has no plans to cut benefits for the approximately 40 percent of Social Security recipients who collect monthly disability and survivor payments.

He urged Americans to be patient as Iraq moves toward creating a democratic nation in place of a dictatorship.

``On a complicated matter such as removing a dictator from power and trying to help achieve democracy, sometimes the unexpected will happen, both good and bad,'' he said. ``I am realistic about how quickly a society that has been dominated by a tyrant can become a democracy ... I am more patient than some.''

He declined to second recent remarks by Secretary of State Colin Powell that troop levels in Iraq could be reduced this year.

``The sooner the Iraqis are ... better prepared, better equipped to fight, the sooner our troops can start coming home,'' he said.

Rather than propose an expansion of the National Guard and regular army, the president said, ``What we're going to do is make sure that the missions of the National Guard and the reserves closely dovetail with active army units, so that the pressure ... is eased.''

Bush said he was pleased with the pursuit of Osama bin Laden, blamed for the 2001 terrorist attacks on the United States. ``I will be more pleased when he's brought to justice, and I think he will be,'' he said.

He acknowledged that U.S. standing has diminished in the eyes of some countries and said he has asked Condoleezza Rice, his nominee to replace Powell, to launch a diplomacy campaign that ``explains our motives and explains our intentions.''

He predicted most Muslims will eventually see America as a beacon of freedom and democracy, but said: ``There's no question we've got to continue to do a better job of explaining what America is all about.''

The Post reported that after saying in the interview he probably would not lobby for passage of a constitutional amendment to ban gay marriage, White House spokesman Scott McClellan telephoned the paper on Saturday to say the president wanted to clarify his position.

The spokesman said Bush was ``willing to spend political capital'' but believes it will be virtually impossible to overcome Senate resistance until the courts render a verdict on the Defense of Marriage Act that attempts to block gay marriage by federal statute rather than a constitutional amendment.

What a bunch of crap. GWB is a stupid liar.

Deal with it, thank God Kerry didn't win !!!!!!!!!
Don't minimize the effort here by saying this is Bush's Fault, I'm no Bush fan but will make an argument.

Don't forget that CONGRESS agreed to this engagement...? ITS MUCH BIGGER THAN BUSH....!! Prior to WWII, the UN, then known as 'The League of Nations', Was confronted many times about US concerns in Japan and engagement in what was happening in Europe. I bring this point into the mix for all those who say the US should have gained UN approval for their actions... Playing by the book often costs lives and doesn't protect your ass!

I have friends who say This will only become "Another Vietnam" AND These lives will be "Squandered". Well that will only be true if we fail to establish a democratic state in the region. THAT MY FRIENDS IS THE PURPOSE HERE..!! I agree the foundation for getting in was WMD's, based upon information gathered and supplied by CIA/FBI/Military. I'm sorry, but those offices are not directed exclusively by the Presidential Admin. Yes, the power to appoint leaders of those agencies resides with the President. ButThe work they do and the people doing that work is what lead to the "Mis-information" on WMD's... Bush was just dumb enough to pull the trigger on untested data. That said: I must add, several UN Inspectors (Post 1991) had confirmed nuclear capabilities... HEADS ROLLED FOR THIS... NEW CIA/FBI and National Security appointments have recently been made.

Personally, I believe there were WMD's once being developed in IRAQ, but I think they have been moved and are now deeply entrenched in IRAN... Just my opinion...

I honestly believe it was now or sometime in the future that this had to take place! I sure don't want my Sons having to fight in these conditions, but something had to be done in this region... You can't have Tyrant leaders with the span of control that Sadam and the Taliban had and expect terrorism against the US to be held at bay... I ask WHY was it OK for terrorist supporting Tyrants to rule in that area for so long...? You see what happened in Kosovo in the early 90's...? Are they better off now...? I think so!!! At least they Don't have some half cocked idiot performing "Ethnic Cleansing"...

Don't be anti-patriotic... Get behind it... Supporting the expansion of freedom for people and democracy has always been AMERICAN. Even Europe has changed their tune recently... The US is not the only nation supporting this effort of establishing democracy in the region!! And those that did not had something to hide... How embarrassed is FRANCE, since Chirac was exposed for his "ILLEGAL" Food for OIL contracts with IRAQ. Ya know who got the food? Not the Iraqi people...

I don't have time to write more.. But if we bail on this effort, THEN AND ONLY THEN, are the lives squandered and it becomes another Vietnam. Until then it is a fight for the establishment of democracy in a region of the world that so desperately needs it. One can only hope that the best comes of it... Don't think for a second I dimish the impact of the lives lost. I cringe every time I hear of another convoy getting bombed with 5 lives lost here, 7 lost there... It's painful, but tell me what would be happening if we were not there...? Do you think these radical US haters will be content to sit in their poor ravaged countries... NO CHANCE...

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