Another video of cummins powered Ford pickup

How about 1165hp and 1990 torque?



That thing rocks.....But it is kinda like comparing apple and oranges.....there is a lot left in the Cummins......and it is a daily driver.
Do you know what size or model kitty cat is in that thing......another guy I worked for right out of college put a perkins diesel out of a Massy Ferguson combine in a 4 wheel drive 4 door mid 70's ford....matted it to a 10 was low HP, but with 10 speeds and a transer case it was a power house in its own right.
the ISM and ISX series Cummins kicks Cats butt....Cat has fallen behind in motor development. (over the road truck).....their twin turbo setups aren't as responsive, smooth and don't get the mpg of the Cummings....very low end torque is better with a cat, but once above 1000 rpm ( where most of your time is spent) Cummins rules....I have driven all makes of trucks, with all 3 motors (cat, cummins, and detroit) over the last 15 yrs....15 yrs ago cat ruled.....but big red is on top now.

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