Another Wheel Question


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 11, 2010
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otis, oregon
I was going to post this to the ongoing wheels we've used thread, but it stated that they want only ones that worked. I didn't see anything concerning my specific query, so here goes. I need wheels due to a bizarre traffic change and poor night vision. A local has the five spoke LS 17"s from his 2002 V8. The only comments I could find here said they have the wrong offset as well as spindle clearance problems. However, the local Lincoln dealer and their tire guys both say this wheel will go on my '98 LSC without any problem. I won't have the luxury of trying it out before buying, so I am hoping someone here has personal experience with this particular wheel and our cars. Thanks to all for all previous help.
Bolt pattern is the same but I think the offset is totally wrong. Chris 2523 will know for sure, as others on here.
they will fit, but they look hideous because they sit way to far in, especially the rears. If you just need cheap rims and tires, look for a set of 16" thunderbird/cougar wheels..they are the same exact diameter, width and offset as any stock mark viii wheel. Supercoupe wheels either the 1st gen or 2nd gen style look good on these cars.

You need to run wheel spacers to run a set of LS wheels, I would suggest replacing the suds with longer ones to compensate for the spacer. Keep in mind you will have more un-sprung weight. If they are cheaper then cheap, go ahead otherwise save a little longer and buy correct size wheels.
dont think they fit.
the LS wheel offset of 60 mm is a lot. and totally wrong for many reasons.
keep looking.
Thanks to all. The seller agreed to bring them over to actually put on the car for a look at them in situ. My book shows the offset on this wheel as 40. It shows the same (almost actual 38) on the factory directionals. What am I missing? I also have access to some old SHO slicers from a '95. I think they will work, too? I've found TBird/Cougar wheels and/or parts to be as rare as stuff for our cars. At least in Portland. There are three 90's SN cars in a two block area. Anything decent gets used up around here as our cars never rust. They die from old age, massive mileage or neglect, not the tinworm.
slicers will work. skinny though.
LS wheel offset is 60 mm.
Mark VIII wheel offset is 39 mm.
Taurus wheel offset is 42 mm IIRC.
Thanks, Chris. It seems you're the go-to guy on wheel/tire combo's. This will be an interesting afternoon. I promise never to ask dumb wheel or tire questions again. Won't need to. I've tried every odd ball 108 x 5 wheel on CL. Even a 110 - inadvertently.

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