

Active LVC Member
Jun 10, 2005
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another q for you guys and gals. Can anyone enlighten me as to what is the best method for getting rid of condensation in a headlight (besides buying another one).
I had a similar problem with a fog light. I removed it from the car and placed in the oven on cookie sheet. I had it in for about 45 minutes at 200 degrees. It cleared out the water and so far (knock on wood) it hasn't returned.
You have two ways of fixing this issue.
I beleive there is a TSB on the headlights and if you fit in the time frame the dealer should replace them for free.
Option two...
Check to see if you have the grey sealant(not the black rubber that fits the headlight to your hood) the sealant is under the black lip on top of the headlight. If you have the grey sealant then you can take the headlight apart and reseal it. Check the sealant then do a search for clearing headlights and there is a tutorial from QuikLS on the subject very indepth and easy to do. While you have the lights apart you should clear the amber turn signal it gives the headlight a cleaner look.
great advice

I went online to find out more and this one link said to lay a dark cloth over the light and run the lights on high and then low for about 20 minutes.. it worked great.
bb58926 said:
I went online to find out more and this one link said to lay a dark cloth over the light and run the lights on high and then low for about 20 minutes.. it worked great.

It will just fog up again unless you seal it up.
i know

I know it will come back, but I was looking for the "food-lion" way to temporarily eliminate the moisture until I graduate in July and can buy Kens kind of lamps.. But thanks for reminding me and trying to pop my bubble..j/k
bb58926 said:
I know it will come back, but I was looking for the "food-lion" way to temporarily eliminate the moisture until I graduate in July and can buy Kens kind of lamps.. But thanks for reminding me and trying to pop my bubble..j/k

Seal it up with some black silicone.
There is a product you can purchase a most hardware stores called "Damp-b-Gone". It is a granual kinda like speedy dry. I take a pair of old nylons tie a knot in one end fill with "damp-b-gone" and then tye nylons closed. I placed it in my tail light thru were the bulb is installed. Let sit for a few days and it absorbs the water. As soon as dry remove and you are all set. Might wanna try this out if you don't wanna remove anything from your ride.

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