Anyone here read the "Captain's Quarters" blog?


Dedicated LVC Member
May 13, 2007
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This conservative blog has some interesting non hysterical content with new articles and comments every day.
For the hardcore posters here, you know who you are....

As an example here's one post:

Christian Conservatives For Hillary
When parties fall out of power, they tend to go through a battle between Puritans and Big Tenters. Inevitably, when Puritans control the debate, they tend to ensure a longer term in the wilderness, and when they don't, they threaten to leave. Perhaps the developments in Salt Lake City, at a meeting of the Council for National Policy, indicates that the Republican center-right has begun to take the lead in GOP politics:

Alarmed at the chance that the Republican party might pick Rudolph Giuliani as its presidential nominee despite his support for abortion rights, a coalition of influential Christian conservatives is threatening to back a third-party candidate in an attempt to stop him.
The group making the threat, which came together Saturday in Salt Lake City during a break-away gathering during a meeting of the secretive Council for National Policy, includes Dr. James Dobson of Focus on the Family, who is perhaps the most influential of the group, as well as Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council, the direct mail pioneer Richard Viguerie and dozens of other politically-oriented conservative Christians, participants said. Almost everyone present expressed support for a written resolution that “if the Republican Party nominates a pro-abortion candidate we will consider running a third party candidate.”

The participants spoke on condition of anonymity because the both the Council for National Policy and the smaller meeting were secret, but they said members of the intend to publicize its resolution. These participants said the group chose the qualified term “consider” because they have not yet identified an alternative third party candidate, but the group was largely united in its plans to bolt the party if Mr. Giuliani became the candidate.

A revolt of Christian conservative leaders could be a significant setback to the Giuliani campaign because white evangelical Protestants make up a major portion of Republican primary voters. But the threat is risky for the credibility of the Christian conservative movement as well. Some of its usual grass-roots supporters could still choose to support even a pro-choice Republican like Mr. Giuliani, either because they dislike the Democratic nominee even more or because they are worried about war, terrorism and other issues.

The problem with the Christian Right is that they have consistently made these threats in the past and have always dropped the idea when they started counting numbers. The groups have significant influence in the Republican Party because of their ability to organize and contribute, but their influence outstrips their actual size. Forming a third party would set them back at least a generation, and it would push Republican politics away from their agenda and towards the center, just when Democrats appear poised to abandon it.

The immediate effect, however, would probably be the election of Hillary Clinton to the White House. Hillary has tremendous negatives, higher than anyone seeking a first-term Presidency in recent memory. At the moment, Rasmussen has her in the best position she's had -- and that's an anemic +6, with a whopping 46% negative. People don't get elected with those kinds of negatives in a two-party general election ... unless someone runs as a third-party candidate that drains support from the other option. It's how Bill Clinton won in 1992, when fiscal conservatives abandoned George H. W. Bush for Ross Perot because of Bush's tax increase in 1990.

If the Christian Right did the same by organizing a third party, they may as well write themselves off as a significant force in American politics. They have plenty of candidates to support in the primaries, including Mike Huckabee, who matches up well with their platform. If they can't get Huckabee nominated within the system, then the faction should acknowledge that the party made a different choice and support the end result of the primary process. If they cannot do that, no one in Republican politics will ever trust them, and their influence will wane substantially.

These leaders may even damage their influence within their own faction. Right now, Giuliani receives a significant amount of support from the very Evangelicals for whom James Dobson and Tony Perkins speak. If they call for the formation of a third party to oppose Giuliani's nomination and these voters do not follow them, they will find themselves very lonely in political circles, and the Council for National Policy along with them. Republicans have already figured out that Presidents can't do much about abortion except appoint strict-constructionist judges, which Rudy has pledged to do already, and that other issues hold more significance in this election -- like war, taxes, spending, and beating Hillary Clinton.

Republicans don't need petulance from its internal factions. Primaries exist for these groups to make their best case to the voters, and the voters decide which candidate fits their agendas. Threatening to take one's ball and go home doesn't build respect or confidence in any faction, and it's getting old from this particular one, even among its own members. The Christian Right needs to find a primary candidate to endorse and make its best case -- and then make a mature and intelligent decision about the general election if they lose the primaries.

Posted by Ed Morrissey on October 1, 2007
I've heard of the CQ blog and I've visited there before. It's one of the ones I should check more often but I forget about. Thanks for the reminder. Gotta bookmark it.

As to the article, Morrisey explains one way to look at it.

I'm more cynical. I believe that the Republicans are playing into the hands of the Democrats and by default the left of this country. They are doing so by merely slowing the decline of our rights, freedoms, and greatness as a country. This political reality doesn't resemble a pendulum. It's a ratcheting noose. By keeping the changes gradual but never mending the damage, Republicans are keeping Americans asleep to the danger. Thus, they are just as big a part of the problem as the Democrats/liberal leftists are. It would be better if Hillary were elected and everyone woke up and had a Jeffersonian revolt. That's the only way at this point to reclaim our country as it once was.

Basically, our votes don't count. Even voting for Republicans doesn't guarantee a reduction in the power of big government. The shamnesty debacle shows how disconnected our "leaders" are with their constituents. Even though the measure failed, rest assured they will try again. Eventually they will get what they want because they always do, even if it's incremental.

Sorry to be so doom and gloom. It varies with my mood. The big picture and the long term shows no real hope for me. I'm more in line with the thoughts of than any other political forum.
It's easy to get disillutioned about politics. I believe Gore Vidal said America is ruled by the DemocratoRepublican Party and they take turns running the show.
1/2 the population doesn't vote or care about the greater issues which are too complex for most people to make an informed decision about.
At least we get to vote a new set of rascals in or more likeky to vote the old set out in search of change every 2,4,6 or 8 years.
Some of the greatest presidents in history have been democrats
FDR coming to mind and the country will survive quite well whoever is in power.
When one is young and smart there is great idealism and the feeling that one can change the world.
As one gets older and more seasoned a certain amount of cynicism
sets in re what's known as the avarice of older men.
People in power want more power and do whatever is nessesary to accomplish their goals. Truth is relative and in the eye of the beholder.
As the old Judy Garland song goes "The world remains the same, you'll never change it, as sure as the stars and the sun shine above, you're nobody till somebody loves you, so get yourself somebody, somebody to love."
This can be paraphrased metaphorically to mean find something you enjoy doing and get a sense of personal accomplishment out of and stop getting too worked up over things you have no influence and/or control over.
Neither party is evil and if the voters want change and get tired of who's in power they get voted out which is the true strength of a democracy.
This can be paraphrased metaphorically to mean find something you enjoy doing and get a sense of personal accomplishment out of and stop getting too worked up over things you have no influence and/or control over.

Wait till Hitlary gets to install her brand of Stalinism and we'll see how you feel then.

We are slip sliding down the slope and instead of guys like you cleaning the track to stop the slide, you're too busy greasing the wheels to notice.

You'll wake up one day and say, crap, what the hell just happened!:eek:
MonsterMark it sounds like you've conceded that Hillary is going to win the next election.
You seem to be in agreement with GB.
It must really drive you nuts.
After Bush got re elected some liberals said they were going to move to Canada but you'll have nowhere to go should Hillary win.
I remember in Canada that when Trudeau got elected as PM in 1968 the Toronto Telegram and Toronto Sun columnists Bob McDonald and Lubor Zink vilified him for many years as a leftist pinko who was going to lead Canada into communism and a country of gulags.
Of course none of this ever happened and today Trudeau is considered the greatest Prime Minister of the 20th century.
The Canadian dollar is now worth slightly more than the greenback and is expected to rise further.
The decline of the US dollar against other world currencies and the run up of the US debt by another 4 Trillion $ under the Bush administration cannot be blamed on the democrats other than they did'nt have the guts to veto the appropriations bills.
That's part of the DemocratoRepublican ruling class.
My parents escaped Nazi Germany and then Stalin in 1947 so with all due respect I don't think your Hillary comparison is valid.
My taxes may go up by 5% under a democratic administration but I can live with that.
Of course go ahead and blast away at me or tell me to move back to Canada but I'm already set for life
and every other week I get letters offering me incentives to move my business to another state.
Of course go ahead and blast away at me or tell me to move back to Canada but I'm already set for life and every other week I get letters offering me incentives to move my business to another state.
Unfortunately I have to hop a plane in a few hours or I would be more than happy to set you straight on the horrors of Hillary and why this Country is no longer what it used to be.

See ya sometime this weekend.
Fort I come.
It's easy to get disillutioned about politics. I believe Gore Vidal said America is ruled by the DemocratoRepublican Party and they take turns running the show...

Neither party is evil and if the voters want change and get tired of who's in power they get voted out which is the true strength of a democracy.

If you agree with Gore Vidal, then you just contradicted yourself. Look at your two statements. They are intrinsically and diametrically opposed.

If the two parties are the same, i.e. DemocratoRepublicans, then they've NEVER been voted out. They just reload new faces with the same ideology, namely to be the ruling class. Our "democracy" as you call it (it's actually supposed to be a representative republic, not a democracy) is dead.

As far as not worrying about things we have no control over...tell that to Jefferson and the other signers of the Declaration.
The two parties are different and diametrically opposed but do run the country taking turns. They are like a man and a woman in a marraige.
No fringe candidate has ever come close to being electable.
All Ross Perot and Ralph Nader accomplished was to get Bill Clinton elected
and Kerry defeated by splintering the votes.
Governments have become more pervasive and intrusive since Jefferson and he's probably turning over in his grave but we live in different more complex times.
Unelected lobbyists and thinktanks as well as the the military industrial complex that Eisenhour warned us about have more power in the government than most people should be comfortable with.
It's the best and worst of times. Life expectancy and standard of living have never been higher but privacy and some freedoms have taken a hit.
MonsterMark, since you seem to be an expert on Hillary, going so far as to honor her with your Avatar, without resorting to name calling or posting other people's articles, without writing a book, which I'm sure you're capable of
list 5 top things you think she will do that are in your opinion bad for the country as a whole and not just some particular group.
Stalin killed more people than Hitler and deported millions to work gulags in Siberia as well as imposing a reign of terror with his secret police.
Acting like a mobster he had many people killed then killed the killers to try and wipe out traces of his crimes against humanity.
Since you think Hillary is a Stalinist give us your arguements why you believe this is so.
Last three presidents:

Bush, Clinton, Bush...Clinton?

How is this not a ruling class?
Since you think Hillary is a Stalinist give us your arguements why you believe this is so.

Bryan will no doubt answer you when he gets back. I will, however, interject my opinion.

Hillary the Stalinist

1. FBI filegate
2. IRS audits
3. Vince Foster
4. The Barrett Report
5. The movie "The Path to 911" was suppressed and edited due to threatening by the Clintons - suppressing free speech
6. She destroyed Kathleen Willey, Juanita Broaddrick, Paula Jones, Linda
Tripp - Stalin did the same thing to his enemies, so does Putin
7. Travelgate
8. Pardoning felon cronies and family members
9. She wants the government to take over healthcare and confiscate energy profits
10. Pro-fairness doctrine

This is not a complete list. It is only the tip of the iceberg.

After researching your points it looks like a mixed bag.
The Republicans will no doubt use all the amunition they can to try and shoot down Hillary should she become the Democtratic candidate.
It will be up to the voters to decide if she is fit for office.
Of course in politics you can get killed many times and rise from the ashes.
Hillary is a player and it looks like it's going to be an interesting ruthless glorious battle.
I know that Rudy is willing to ground fight with the Hillary camp.

I don't know if the Romney or Thompson campaign will be willing or able to gracefully fight as brutally as will be required. Or if they'll be willing to do it soon enough.

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