Anyone own an MK8 and have lil ones to cart around?


New LVC Member
Mar 2, 2006
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Anyone here use their MK8 as a family car? I would think its at least the same size interior as my 2 door GTP I had years ago.

We have 2 small children now, another one planned in the near future. Just wondering if this is undoable/doable with this car (just with the 2 kids)
I have 2 kids, ages 10 and 12. The Mark is doable although at this stage in the game its starting to get a little tight. But thats why the wife drives a Grand Marquis.
You'll have plenty of room. Mine are 9 and 13, and I do ok.
6 yrs here and fine,not as spacious as the wifes taurus,but my daughter doesnt hit have to contort herself to be comfortable either,

my guess is plenty of room till early teen years.then you just tell the kids to stop whining and get in . :D
My 11 year old has no problems with fit, and I have fit several adults in the back with no problems either.
I have a 10 yo and an 8 yo, they fit fine. It's starting to get a little cramped, but it does fine
1, 5, 8, and 10. All boys. No women allowed. Late '70's and early 80's rock only music allowed. Minimum 90 decibels.

The boys love it when it snows and we go 'driftin'.

Sights on an Audi 4 door in the near future. The Marks stay though.
i can fit back in the back (im 17 and 6'1") but my legs have to be spread like im giving birth to a baby
10 yr old girl, she fits but not all the extras she has to take with her everywhere. Wife has a cobra - no more room there. We have a full size E-150 conversion van for trips and such...oh yeah I have 3 black labs...they love the Mark stick their heads out the roof and the windows.
Frat-man-du said:
10 yr old girl, she fits but not all the extras she has to take with her everywhere. Wife has a cobra - no more room there. We have a full size E-150 conversion van for trips and such...oh yeah I have 3 black labs...they love the Mark stick their heads out the roof and the windows.

1 drop of drool and they would be dead

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