Anyone with LS cluster Repair/Swap knowledge??


Active LVC Member
Mar 25, 2007
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so last year my 03 lincoln started acting crazy, message center was throwing weird codes, the lcd screen was glitching with random characters and lcd pixelation. Couldnt crank my car up unless the dash cluster came fully on, and that was so random and rare it made my car useless. Took it dealership, they said its the cluster.. New cluster+flashing =1400. I said nope, left the lincoln there and bought a new challenger.

Fast forward to today, i have two clusters identical model numbers and proper application.
The new(used) one starts right up fully on, after every key turn over!! Problem is, of course it wont crank the car it just goes dead. BUT! It does work.

My question is.. what board or parts can i swap without touching the rom chip with the mileage and security stuff? What microelectronics can i test as a separate measure? I'm pretty fluent with using a dmm and basic electronics repair, i just dont know anything about crucial data storage on these clusters.

Possible i can take both clusters to dealership and let them do the data swap or does the car have to be there at the shop as well. They offered $400 to do the "reflash" of a replacement if i could find one. I'm seriously trying to get around spending any money. Thanks!
I only know basic stuff---but I think you're SOL! With that sort of operation, they have your 'nads in a firm grip.

the cluster has the security stuff (PATS) inside of it and needs to see the correct key before letting the PCM start the car.

take them the car and your new cluster, then pay them to marry them together (along with two keys).

$400 seems really fukcing high for a program, should be closer to an hour of labor. two tops and that may be stretching it.

then again they may just be one of those dealers that is only full of idiots and are afraid to touch the car and just threw out an insane price hoping to scare you away.
First off, it is not LCD (Liquid Crystal Display), not even close. It is VFD, vacuum fluorescent display.

Secondly, the replacement cluster has to be married to your PCM and your keys (must have at least two, non-cloned keys). If you don't have a tool that can do this, you'll have to take the whole car to the dealer. Just make sure they are willing to use a used part that you supplied. Some won't.

The dealers can transfer the mileage, and some shady aftermarket tools probably can too.
Surely theres a rom chip or two on the cluster that i can desolder and replace onto the working cluster.
i do have experience desoldering smds.

i firmly believe theres a bad component on the cluster causing erratic behavior, and a simple chip swap should do the trick.
Surely theres a rom chip or two on the cluster that i can desolder and replace onto the working cluster.
i do have experience desoldering smds.

i firmly believe theres a bad component on the cluster causing erratic behavior, and a simple chip swap should do the trick.

sounds simple enough.
... Surely theres a rom chip or two on the cluster that i can desolder and replace onto the working cluster ...

If this is the case and possible, please do post write up w/ pics.
Would be very valuable for others down the road whom may want to refresh a Dash Cluster for what ever reason without all this marrying at the Dealership.

~ very interested if possible. +1

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