AOD-E fluid change write up (no pics, sorry)


Active LVC Member
Jan 4, 2008
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Changed the fluid on the tranny and the rear end around a month back with a buddy.

From my research, any aod-e and 4r70w(97 and older) should have the 1-2 accumlator replaced. I however did not change it, currently have 105K on the car.

You will need...
-13 quarts of mercon V (bought mine from a ford dealership)
-new filter, ford didnt have one so i got some off brand from the parts store, it will come with a new gasket, but the pan gasket is re-useable
-tools ( i cant remeber the exact size of the nuts on the pan, 10mm i think?)
-wd-40, pb blaster whatever one you want
-very large pan to hold the fluid
-lent free towels to whipe the pan out
-blue thread lock for the converter just to be safe
-torque wrench, the pan bolts are 10ft-lbs, i used an inch lb wrench (12in-lbs in one ft-lb)
-paper towels for yourself

Jack up the car.

-Unscrew all the pan bolts except the 4 corner bolts
-unscrew the front two then rear two, the fluid will seep out over the sides
-after it stops, hold the pan and unscrew one of the two sets more and then let it down with your hand
-after you have gotton as much out as you can, unscrew all the bolts and drop the pan, poor the rest of the fluid out
-pull the filter out, there should be a rubber nipple on the part that goes into the valve body, make sure you pull this out and put the new one on the new filter. Put new filter in by pushing it in place
-inside the pan you may find a little plastic piece, that is the plug from the factory, you can just throw it away.
-pull off the magnet and clean all the shavings off with lent free towel, put it back in the same place.
-clean pan out with lent free towel as well.
-bolt the pan back into place, doing criss cross pattern, torque half amount first, then go back and final torque. I did this because the age of the car, dont want to risk snapping a bolt.

To drain torque converter... Extra person would help here
-in front of the pan, on the bellhousing is a little black rubber seal, abount 1inch in dia, this pops right out.
-in the engine bay, pull the main connectors that plug into the front of each of the distributors, this will ensure no spark to the engine so it cant start
-next while laying under the car looking into the hole, have your friend crank the car, just little burst. you will need to see a little bolt come around, once you can see it, you can stick a screw driver up there and pull it back so its alligned with the hole. Plug the conntors back in (the bay)
-unscrew this bolt and the converter will start to drain, this holds half the fluid(about 6 quarts). It will take a long time to drain, so this is a good time to take a break.
-when this is done, put a little it of the blue thread lock on the threads and tighten the bolt back in, put the seal back in place.

Now under the hood...
-pull the dip stick to the transmission, its at the back of the bay on the passenger side of the intake mani.
-pour the mercon V fluid in here. You can only do about 5-6 quarts now, have someone look under to see if any starts over flowing, it may over flow while adding the 6th quart(mine did)
-Now start the car and just let it idle for 1-2min. This will allow the fluid to be pumped into the converter.
-turn car off and fill the rest of the fluid (12 quarts total) add a little bit of the 13th quart
-put the dip stick back in

start the car let it idle for a few min. Then place it in every gear( r, n, d, 2, 1) and back through every gear to park. Pull the dip stick and check the fluid, it needs to be in the cross hatch area.
-if ok, drive the car around a little bit, the tranny fluid is actually checked when hot. After driving a little bit, again pull the dip stick and check to make sure its in the cross hatch area, if it needs more, put some more in.
-DO over fill, to much fluid will cause excess heat and faster wear on the parts

The total amount of fluid should be around 12.3 quarts, after you check for the cross hatch area, add fluid if needed, it can take some more

Drive around and enjoy the satisfaction of knowing you saved money and did the job proper!

Like i said, my town car is a 94 with 105k on it, the fluid was still fresh but the pan had never been pulled before! I still had the little plastic piece from the factory in it!

The mercon V will help with the shutter from the 3-4th lock up (going into OD) and better shifting.

I tried to be as detailed as possible....any questions about anything, post up.

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