April 31st Car


Dedicated LVC Member
Sep 11, 2005
Reaction score
This is my car and some of the club cars at a local show. I got first place for best "domestic" in the extreme class.. which is the highest possible class..


JR's magnum.. came out in the new DJ Khaled video


JR again


the BMW... only 4 door super charged wit the complete fiberglass body and everything possible done to it.. custom trunk here, but u cant see the flakes on the paint..


my trunk


my car from the site

None of these pictures were taken by me or anyone that I know. I went to the website for the carshow, and someone from another car club posted these pics... if i had my camera i would prolly have more..
Nice pics, but I have a question about your trunk lid, Did you fabricate a way to stop the hinge action at a certain point? The reason I ask is because to get the full effect of the sucide/ flip/flop deck lid is it's suppost to be level with your roof line. Yours looks fine the way it is kinda works off the lambo door angle, but you might want to think about reworking the hinge point.
i COULD make it level with the roof... but for what? everyone has it that way.. ima leave it like this until i redo my trunk completely and repaint the car.. till then.. ima leave my 20$ suicide trunk.. :D
Congrats on the win:)

Do you always display your car with the hood and back doors shut? Just curious.
I love the way the lambos look an the trun is nice. How did it only cost 20.00 bucks to do the trunk?
i paid like 4.99 on the hinge.. 7.99 on paint.. and 2.99 on each deadbolt to lock the trunk in the "stock" position.. about 20.$ in parts in total.. i did the labor myself.

as far as how i showcase my car.. it all depends.. sometimes the backdoors are open.. sometimes the hood is open.. it all depends.. at this particular show I had stuff in the backseat so i kept them closed.. and I brought a canopy for the car club, and the whole car club was posted up, chillen infront of my car.. i didnt take the pics.. so the guy prolly tried to cut all the people out or something..

if u want to see how i displayed my car when its out in the open, check out my cardomain site.. and look at the funk flex page.. i suggest to u.. to show off those trophies.. they give u points down here for trophies, and models..
BanginLS said:
i paid like 4.99 on the hinge.. 7.99 on paint.. and 2.99 on each deadbolt to lock the trunk in the "stock" position.. about 20.$ in parts in total.. i did the labor myself.

as far as how i showcase my car.. it all depends.. sometimes the backdoors are open.. sometimes the hood is open.. it all depends.. at this particular show I had stuff in the backseat so i kept them closed.. and I brought a canopy for the car club, and the whole car club was posted up, chillen infront of my car.. i didnt take the pics.. so the guy prolly tried to cut all the people out or something..

if u want to see how i displayed my car when its out in the open, check out my cardomain site.. and look at the funk flex page.. i suggest to u.. to show off those trophies.. they give u points down here for trophies, and models..
In the past, I would leave the trophies at home. With the LS, I have been displaying the car with the trophies. I have been standing them up in the trunk. I plan to just show the trophies from this year at each show. Problem with that, I might run out of space to put them in the car.:lol: The judges here want windows up, doors open, trunk open, and hood open. If you don't, you loose points. The show last saturday, I scored 74 out of 75 points.:eek:
bangin that :q:q:q:q is hard brah, what did u do to that trunk? never seen it like that b4. post more pix, shoooots!
chamarro.. i got a thread here wit pick and a "how-to" install.. do a search for "suicide trunk" should come up..

the judges here dont ask for points rollin.. i mean they do.. but not like that.. i think it is easier to win a trophy in my area.. but the classes are more in the LS favor.. see here i go against all domestics.. all 300's.. magnums and so forth.. but if htey have too much :q:q:q:q or if they have 3 cars or more i dont go against them
BanginLS said:
chamarro.. i got a thread here wit pick and a "how-to" install.. do a search for "suicide trunk" should come up..

the judges here dont ask for points rollin.. i mean they do.. but not like that.. i think it is easier to win a trophy in my area.. but the classes are more in the LS favor.. see here i go against all domestics.. all 300's.. magnums and so forth.. but if htey have too much :q:q:q:q or if they have 3 cars or more i dont go against them
The classes are against me at MOST shows here. I had to show in street machine 4 out of 5 shows entered. The one show I entered was mid-size. In street machine, I have to deal with a lot of muscle cars. A lot of the shows here have seperate Camero/Firebird and Mustang classes. BUT there are quite few that don't. Example, the only show I didn't take first. Lost to a '96 Trans Am. NOPI I am in Luxury Domestic. They have me in with the Magnum, 300, and Cadillac CTSV. I don't expect to see many there. Right now, I am debating about going to Slammin & Jammin in Lebanon Tn May 26-28. 110 classes:eek: I am trying to find out the schedule of events(registration, judging, etc.). If I do go, I will take LOTS of pictures for all you guys.:D "cough" bikini conest "cough":D
ohh... see in my area muscle cars are barely seen..

most of the big shows ur gonna be in like 5 classes so that u know.. HIN, NOPI, DUB, Lowrider, etc...

ur in domestic, luxury, domestic luxury, 4 door, overall mild, wild, radical, best system, best I.C.E(In Car Entertainment), and about 4 other divisions, dont expect to win anything at those though.. at HIN though u can enter VIP and maybe win something

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