Auto-dimming mirror fading!?


LVC Member
May 23, 2006
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Clinton Twp.
My auto-dimming mirror is starting to work less and less. The green ooze in there is wearing thin. The outer edges of the mirror do not dim the light at all anymore. Has anyone experience any issue similiar to this. Also, is there anything I can do to help restore it to full working order or am I going to have to purchase a new mirror?
No I had the same problem last year. I had to replace it. I went to the junkyard and bought one that was out of a tuaras. It had the compass on it and it was auto dim. Very little to get the wires out of the old plug and put them into the new plug. No wire cutting needed. I just mounted the compass sensor beside it. You can't see it unless you look underneath. Looks factory.
Thanks. I will poke around and see what I can come up with. I am sure that the materials inside wear after time. I just have to hope that the one that I buy still works.:p
To give you an idea what they are worth the std mirror is $121.43 retail and would cost you $91.07 plus ups the one with the compass is $317.53 and would cost you $238.15.
I don't have the compass on my current mirror. I don't think that I would bother with it. I don't want to go through having to install the compass sensor.
I didn't have the compass on my old one. But wanted it just to have. It was mouted on the new compass that i got. Do to the rain sensor I couldn't leave it there there is about 3 inches of wire so I glued it on the window right next to the rain sensor, but still out of sight. The whole job took less then 30 minutes to complete and the mirror was 50 bucks used. The new mirrors are better and last longer then the first ones out. Like the one that was in my 2000 ls. Anyways each his own. It was well worth it.

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