AutoGlide Seat Sounds Like A Machine Gun.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jul 17, 2004
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Queens, NY
whats going on guys? today im cleaning my car, on the passenger seat when i push it forward... its sounding like a machine gun is going off, but when its moving backward it sounds fine. will lithium grease work if i spray it onto the tracks? thanks!
I'd lube it worm before you wipe out the worm gear. You may have a french fry
or something contaminating the track. Take a good look at it.
french fry, haha... not likely no one eats or drinks in the ill take a closer look. another thing to add while in the process of moving forward, ( when it sounds like its "buckin shots" ) the seat rattle alil.
Sounds like it is definitely binding. It will probably be the gear on the seat that rides on the 2 foot long worm gear. Just like a garage door opener that runs on a gear drive. They wear and start to slip.
thanks bryan... im going to get some lithum grease and lube that bad boy up. i appreciate it, ill keep you guys posted.

My just started doing the same thing. This is not contagious, spread through the list. Oh god I hope not. :N

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