b&m shift improver


Well-Known LVC Member
Jul 6, 2006
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cranston ri
anyone running this? seems cheap enuff and less aggrivation of trying to find all the bits for the j-mod. any comments on this?

basically the same as the j-mod right?
Stay away.

All it does is raise line pressure via the EPC circuit. In itself it is not a bad thing except it does it full time including when not needed.
The problem with most shift kits is that they try to change things that should be changed by reprogramming/chipping the powertrain control module.

The J-mod is really the only mechanical modification I would trust seeing as how Jerry actually worked at Ford on the design of the damn transmission.
1993_M75 said:
The problem with most shift kits is that they try to change things that should be changed by reprogramming/chipping the powertrain control module.

The item in question is not even a shift kit.
so what kit would be similar to the j-mod? im guessing it would just come with new gaskets and a modified seperator plate.. nitrobasher kinda has me a bit leery on what could happen. not sure what he did. but i dont want to follow. plus ill probably have a hard time finding all those bits the exact right size.
FactoryTech makes drop-in valvebody/ seperator plate kits. Check them out.
4.6powa said:
so what kit would be similar to the j-mod? im guessing it would just come with new gaskets and a modified seperator plate.. nitrobasher kinda has me a bit leery on what could happen. not sure what he did. but i dont want to follow. plus ill probably have a hard time finding all those bits the exact right size.


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