Bad day got worse, then better


May 29, 2008
Reaction score
Kansas city
So ive been at the hospital since the 23rd (dad had complications from his surgery on the 21st and has been in ICU)... Spent most of my days and nights there. Our waiting room faced the parking lot I parked in and I happened to look out to see this:



I see a car backed into mine, and hospital security around... I jumped up yelling "THATS MY CAR" and bolted down (apparently it was quite the production, as im told EVERYONE in the waiting room jumped up to the window to see what was happening LOL).

I got down there and it wasn't so bad






obviously a few more inches and you can kiss that Mclaren good bye...



apparently the kid didn't put it in gear when he parked... hospital called locals so we could move it off my car. The owner showed up after i relocated my car to a safer spot, he was very apologetic and since there wasn't any real damage (that i cant fix..hopefully with just a wash) nothing more was needed. RAKit week anyways!


(dads doing better each day... hoping for the best!)
Never mind the car... Hope your dad comes out okay.
OH he will... the "then Better" of this was his improvements...much better then last week (sorry if i didn't make that clear).. He was actually moved to PCU (progressive care unit) today.. which is awesome, just waiting to see how much he improves and what his home life is going to be like (and for how long).

Thank you !!!
Hope you dad gets well.

Car looks good man. Don't worry, I have tons of bug stains and little rock chips in my dip, too. That highway life.
That sucks, glad the damage is minimal!

Sorry to hear your dad is in, but happy to that hear he is improving. My boys and I were at the VA Hospital in Seattle today visiting my dad. We took him up there Friday to start two weeks of daily inpatient radiation therapy and today found out that it has been increased to almost 4 weeks.

I wish him, you and yours the best :Beer
maybe his piece of sh!t honda wouldn't be such a piece of sh!t if he commonly did things like make sure his car was parked...

also what are the odds that a car with a custom two tone roof would get hit by another car with a custom two tone roof?

also glad your father is doing better!
First off: Hope your dad get's better. Hang in there.

Secondly: Yeah the LS is totaled, go ahead and list up what you're going to sell off for parts :shifty:
Please keep us posted as to dads status... hopefully he gets progressively better!!
Sorry to hear about your Dads situation, hope he has a good road to recovery. Looks like minor damage to the ls, no biggie, at least it wasn't from the side
You got hit by a HONDA dude! All the best to your dad & family during this emotional time.
You can tell who the car people are, and who the normal people are, by what they responded to first. I'm glad your dad is OK, and the car should just buff out. I'm a car guy, but after owning one am just not an LS fan.
Hope your dad gets better soon! OMG that has to be the dirtiest most disgusting car I have ever seen! It looks like it hasn't been washed in 20 years, I bet if he washed it, he'd discover that the car was actually white this whole time! LOL
Thanks guys...

(long story short) Went in for hip replacement (last original joint on body )... afterwards had a blood clot pass through heart (we think) / went afib / lost kidney function, o2 and BP... on Dialysis now, kidneys have not returned, so will be for awhile... still in afib (think its also permanent) ...plasma treatment today and adding permanent Dialysis line (cath)... fingers crossed. he's DNI and DNR so each procedure is tough...

If everything goes well today he should be able to go home soon... then deal with the rest.

Oh and car's fine LOL thanks

yeah i don't know if HIS twotone was intentional, i think its just missing paint ....or maybe its just black under the dirt :)

This site is a good break from it all, thanks for support guys! your awesome...
Hope your dad recovers well. You know if you need anything, Jill and I are there for you and the fam.

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