Bad EGR causing overheating?


LVC Member
Feb 25, 2015
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I've been having the CEL code p0109 for about a week with the part on order still driving it all over and now p0406 just popped up too and it's randomly overheating. Coolant looks good but driving it randomly decides to have them temp go from the middle shoots right up to the top randomly. I pull over sit for 10-15 minutes and it's back to the middle and drives like nothing.

I don't think it's possible but can the EGR being bad make the car overheat? Can someone post a link for troubleshooting overheating in these cars if there is one because right now I'm on the aide of the road again for me little 10 minute cool down which is the third time on this supposed to b hour drive home.

Thanks I really appreciate it
No, your EGR problem is not at all related to your overheating problem!

There are hundreds of threads on here about the common causes for overheating.
Need to know if you have 1st gen (2000-2002) or 2nd gen (2003-2006), and V8 or V6...
Okay, gen II V8 - there are micro cracks in your plastic cooling system parts. The good news is that you don't have to figure out which one. They are likely all cracked, and any that aren't will as soon as you replace the other parts and bring the system back up to pressure.

I hope you ordered the vacuum hose assembly that goes to the EGR when you ordered the EGR valve...
It's an 05 V8. But it only has 47k miles now. I thought it was more common on the higher mileage LSes?

I had it really freak out on me but now I'm home and it's acting normal? I start driving again when it cools off then it went right bam to overheating not acting normal at all then I pull over and it's hissing like crazy. Shut it off and check the coolant again and it's down to the bottom of the degas but I don't see it leaking anywhere? So I filled it as much as possible with the water I had (only about 1/2 full for the degas bottle) and drive the last but home and the turd acts normal....

But looks like I'm going to spend an arm and leg on this damn thing getting all the plastic parts and replacing it all
I think it's more a matter of hot/cold cycles and time. On a three year old LS with 150K miles, the cooling system would still probably be okay.

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