Bad Month for the LS


Active LVC Member
Jun 16, 2005
Reaction score
San Antonio
I just replaced all 8 coils, gaskets and gave it a tune up 2 weeks ago. Then last week a piece of junk went flying on the highway and hit my car knocking the passengers side mirror off. The next day a rock hit my windshield and put an 8 inch crack in it. The very next day (not a joke) a hubcab was flying on the same highway and hit my car putting two door dings. Finally today my rear passanger window regulator went out.

Need I say what's next? And no it's not under warranty.
don't come to ohio and if you do don't get near my car:)
Damn man what the hell is going on with you? I say go to church and light some candles.
HyeLifeLS said:
Damn man what the hell is going on with you? I say go to church and light some candles.

LOL........Damn man sorry bout dat, you should try an alternative route !
lol, I actually had to go to Church for my son's baptism. While I was there I lit a candle (thinking the same thing-that I was not in good standings with the man up stairs), but then my window regulator went out a few days later. Maybe it's a sign to sell my baby, But I love her so much. She (My LS) has a rag top and everyone stops me to ask if it's convertible and give her compliments.

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