Banged up the Mark.


Well-Known LVC Member
Aug 30, 2005
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:Bang So, I live on a street with 3 schools. I had to go pick up my daughter as the afternoon school traffic was happening. (you can almost see where this is going already cant you?) But the car is facing the wrong way. So I pop it in reverse and wait for a break in traffic. I'm planning on backing into my driveway and then wait for another break in traffic. Well I back up swing the nose around see the stonewall in the side mirror and think, OK I'm all set. Just as I get ready to straighten the wheel .....CRUNCH. Damn I'm pi$$ed!!! Tore the bumper cover on the left rear and caved in my tailpipe.

Busted Lincoln 001sm.jpg

That really stinks. But as long as your alright, thats all that really matters.

IF you wanted to do something to your exhaust now would be the time no?

(Just trying to make light of a bad situation)

Iwantmymarkback said:
That really stinks. But as long as your alright, thats all that really matters.

IF you wanted to do something to your exhaust now would be the time no?

(Just trying to make light of a bad situation)


Definatly wanted to do the exhaust. Just not right this moment or in this manner. :)

And now I have to figure out what I want to do then put it in the body shop then put it in the exhaust shop......Thats extra time in the shop and not in my posession.
Hmm............ I See Defensive Driving In Your Future!


if you can't pay to get it fix, lightly sand it and atleast prime it.
Kragens has spray paint , just look it up , by year under ford.
both my hood and grill are painted that way after my wife crashed my car in the rain


note the cheezy plate holder the tow truck driver ripped it off when he came to change the flat.

the 2nd pick is some ahole selling mesh on ebay for at mark VIII or town car and send a pice too small
that's weird my car was hit today on left side QP, I ask the crossing guard if she saw what happened she said the the truck from the construction crew backed up and hit your car. so i walked over to the site and asked for the general contractor and he knew right away what it was for he said go get a estimate and i'll cut you a check and sure enough that's what i did.the cost for repair was $1200dollars.

I have a virtually perfect 1997 Ivory Mark VIII Rear Bumper Cover for sale !

I have sent an email to you !

Please reply to , if you would like to see pictures !

Good Luck,
Sorry, I know the feeling. At least it is the bumper cover and not the body.

Good luck!
Sonny Day Out said:

I have a virtually perfect 1997 Ivory Mark VIII Rear Bumper Cover for sale !

I have sent an email to you !

Please reply to , if you would like to see pictures !

Good Luck,

Sux to break your ride but ya gotta luv this site! Always someone ready to help out:)
About school accidents, My car was parked on the side of my highschool, and I always took up a really big spot, because no one is good enough to park near the Linc. I get a phone call when I'm in class saying, get down here Rick a bus just hit your car. I get out there like a mad man, and the bus had to pay for my sideview mirror. A very expensive sideveiw mirror. Over a grand.

i always take up 2 spots, in the back of a lot. and if i can park next to a curb at the end of a lot, i'll do it!

my mom on the other hand fights for the closest parking spot possible
I was pulling into the parking lot @ work, got cut off by a front end loader and swerved into a lampost, probably doing 15mph... $3000 damage...
Lincolns Own said:
i always take up 2 spots, in the back of a lot. and if i can park next to a curb at the end of a lot, i'll do it!

my mom on the other hand fights for the closest parking spot possible

My wife is the same way, she will spend 1/2 hour hunting for that ever elusive perfect close spot.:mad:

I, Like most of us, park in the back of the lot. Quick easy and no fuss no muss and no door dings!:cool:

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