Barack Obama's Change-O-Rama


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
I like to reefer to him as "Rock Yo-mama", the cocaine snorting, dubie toking half white man half black man half muslim sympathizer.

Anyway, the Change-O-Rama is coming to a town near you.

Anybody else bothered by the fact that this IVY educated socialist wants to turn the US into the next France?

I am kind of looking forward to his Presidency. I think it could be the best thing for the United States. Nothing like a good 'ol dose of Stalin/Marx to hit us right in the face.

I really hope a movement is started nationwide to withhold tax payments to the government. I think it is the only way to run the liberal tide of RobinHoodism, you know, the whole re-distribute wealth and create a dependent social class.

I've talked to a few business partners and we are all in agreement. Go overseas and source as quickly as possible. We also agree we need to incorporate overseas to avoid government interference.

I love the Obama supporters. All this hope is going to vanish before their very eyes when their plan to 'stick it to the man' backfires.

Bite the hand that feeds you and see what happens.

Looking forward to the OBAMINATION to start destroying the country.

Maybe the House and Senate will swing back to the Repubs in 2010 and we can neuter this guy..
He also wants us to give the UN $850B every YEAR. The lower 50% of income earners in this country earned about $960B in 2005.
Thank the Hillary camp for releasing this today: :p

I think the guy is as fake as they come! How can the American people even begin to think about putting this Muslim sympathizer in office? Has everyone gone totally nuts? I don't wish harm on anyone but I believe that someone will take him out if elected. The people of the USA have really become a bunch of freakin idiots & have no clue.

Yeah, all 3 of them SUCK! Vote for the best of the 3 & that's McCain. At least then maybe his own party might be able to light a fire under his rear end & pressure him to get all of these damn illegal aliens outta here! Before the 'racist' comments start coming, Go move to a city that is over run with these bastards & see just how bad it really is! It is like an invasion of locust that consume & destroy everything in their path!
Does "14/88" mean anything to you?

Had to look that one up...

Often, the two numbers are used in conjunction to indicate a belief both in the ideology of National Socialism and the validity of the "14 words." This symbol can often be found at the close of a letter.

David Lane- neo nazi, member of the kkk, now in prison for the murder of allen burg. Wrote "the famous 14 words" which would be "we must secure the existance of our people and a future for white children"

88= h is the 8th letter of the abc's

hh= Heil Hitler is this relevant? What are you trying to imply here? is this relevant? What are you trying to imply here?
Based on the above quote and this one, I'm implying that Bryan has more problems with Obama than his policies.

That, and the completely ludicrous and unsupported conspiracy theory that Obama is a "radical Muslim". Yeah, I'm real impressed with the "evidence" coming from RADICAL right-wing blogs. Give me a break.

If you want me to spell it out I will: Bryan is a racist, xenophobic moron.

By the way, the post I linked to is the main reason I quit posting here. If anyone can be that irrational, I don't really see the point in even trying to debate anything. Not that I pin that label on the rest of you. But every time he posts anything I feel the urge to vomit.
But every time he posts
anything I feel the urge to vomit.

Your urge to vomit comes from me hitting your liberal ideology in the gut. And I'll do it everytime an intellectually dishonest liberal shows his/her face here.

Saved me from having to hit the 'ban' button. Thanks.

You are intellectually dishonest. You always have been. That is why you don't post. Has nothing to do with me.

Obama is the racist. He belongs to a racist church. He eshews racist values and uses his ethnicity at every opportunity.

He is a teleprompter evangelist. Nothing more.

I could give a crap if he is black, white, brown or red.

It is you that 'sees' in colors. Liberals are usually the racists and use race to gain political points.

The Clintons used race to further their political ambitions. They did nothing for the black man, except use him. Case in point, the 2008 elections.

Barry (that was the name he used to go by until it was no longer politically or ethnically convenient) is an arrogant, pompous empty suit. A self-described cocaine junkie and pot-head.

Nothing I said to describe him is not the truth. Truth may hurt but it is the truth nonetheless.

Half white, half black. He is the one that talks of his 'white' mom and 'black' dad. Not me. He is the one that wrote a book describing himself as a worthless pot head, wasting his money on coke. I didn't. Get a clue dude.

The reason I dislike the man is because he is dangerous. He is the liberal's liberal. He is Mr. Socialist. He is a taker. He has provided nothing of substance all his life and has been given a pass by the media because of his color (again, the liberal media are the true racists).

You are such an ass for calling me a racist. You know crap about me. I have given more opportunities to minorities thru the companies I have run than minorities you know of. Not just blacks(excuse me, the P.C. term is African-Americans), but Latinos, Puerto Ricans, Hmongs, even ex-cons, to name a few 'groups'.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Crawl back under the rock. Pull the wool over your eyes and chant, Yes I Can.

Typical clueless liberal.:rolleyes:

By the way, the post I linked to is the main reason I quit posting here.
BooHoo. Go suck your thumb.
Yeah, I'm real impressed with the "evidence" coming from RADICAL right-wing blogs. Give me a break.

I hope your not just discrediting that evidence out of hand because it comes from a source that has a bias. That would be illogical; ad hominim reasoning. Says nothing about weather the argument (and evidence to support it) is the truth or not.

If you want me to spell it out I will: Bryan is a racist, xenophobic moron.

I don't see that. Seems a bit exagurated to me. He doesn't seem to say that because of his race or religious preference, that he is an inferior person. Bryan is raising a question of Obama's loyalties given his background and the fact we are at war with a militant version of Islam. Bringing these questions up of the man who would be president seems to be a perfectly legitimate question to me.

You have to admit, there are aspect of Obama's background that, if those aspects were in a white persons background (who was running for president), the media would be all over it; demonizing that candidate and forcing him or her to defend and explain themselves. Obama is getting a pass, for one reason or another. Could be a political bias or a racial double standard in the media. He also has ties to Muslims (some extreme) that he is trying to play down (could be nothing more then smart politics). The media should be on this and forcing him to expain this given our current situation in the world (It could be perfectly innocent). I do find it hard to believe that Obama is a radical Muslim (or closely tied to), but there are things in his background that need to be accounted for. The fact that he is avoiding these issues does send a red flag up in my mind.

Either way, thanks for clearing that up for me. :D
Your urge to vomit comes from me hitting your liberal ideology in the gut. And I'll do it everytime an intellectually dishonest liberal shows his/her face here.

Saved me from having to hit the 'ban' button. Thanks.

You are intellectually dishonest. You always have been. That is why you don't post. Has nothing to do with me.

Obama is the racist. He belongs to a racist church. He eshews racist values and uses his ethnicity at every opportunity.

He is a teleprompter evangelist. Nothing more.

I could give a crap if he is black, white, brown or red.

It is you that 'sees' in colors. Liberals are usually the racists and use race to gain political points.

The Clintons used race to further their political ambitions. They did nothing for the black man, except use him. Case in point, the 2008 elections.

Barry (that was the name he used to go by until it was no longer politically or ethnically convenient) is an arrogant, pompous empty suit. A self-described cocaine junkie and pot-head.

Nothing I said to describe him is not the truth. Truth may hurt but it is the truth nonetheless.

Half white, half black. He is the one that talks of his 'white' mom and 'black' dad. Not me. He is the one that wrote a book describing himself as a worthless pot head, wasting his money on coke. I didn't. Get a clue dude.

The reason I dislike the man is because he is dangerous. He is the liberal's liberal. He is Mr. Socialist. He is a taker. He has provided nothing of substance all his life and has been given a pass by the media because of his color (again, the liberal media are the true racists).

You are such an ass for calling me a racist. You know crap about me. I have given more opportunities to minorities thru the companies I have run than minorities you know of. Not just blacks(excuse me, the P.C. term is African-Americans), but Latinos, Puerto Ricans, Hmongs, even ex-cons, to name a few 'groups'.

Can't take the heat, get out of the kitchen. Crawl back under the rock. Pull the wool over your eyes and chant, Yes I Can.

Typical clueless liberal.:rolleyes:

BooHoo. Go suck your thumb.
:D This is some serious pwnage here.

We don't dislike Obama because he's "black." We dislike him because he's a flaming liberal. I would be highly in favor of voting J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, or even Condoleezza Rice into the White House, and those three are "blacker" than Obama, if you want to play that game.
We don't dislike Obama because he's "black." We dislike him because he's a flaming liberal. I would be highly in favor of voting J.C. Watts, Alan Keyes, or even Condoleezza Rice into the White House, and those three are "blacker" than Obama, if you want to play that game.

Well said, sir.
TommyB(oy), Before you run off at the mouth calling Bush a racist too, a pre-emptive strike is in order. Here is President Bush's original cabinet.

I'll leave it up to you to present me President Clinton's cabinet. You know, the one purported to look like America. Whatever the hell that was supposed to mean!

Time to man up.

Racist? lmao. Look in the mirror.











Obama's Rhetoric, American Realities
The farcical multicultural utopia.

By Jonah Goldberg

Bill Clinton: Obama’s White Half Won Maine,” read the headline on the humor site Scrappleface this week. “Obama gets to play both sides of the race card,” a fictional Bill Clinton told the site. “I told you he won South Carolina because he’s black, like Jesse Jackson. So, to be consistent, I’d have to say he won Maine because he’s white like Michael Dukakis.”

There’s more than a little truth here. It seems that Barack Obama can win blacks and that he can win whites; where he has trouble, electorally speaking, is winning blacks and whites.

You wouldn’t know this from all the resplendent rhetoric about Obama’s gorgeous mosaic of a campaign. Indeed, the audacity of Obama’s hype is a marvel to behold.

“This is it,” Obama proclaimed during his victory speech on Super Tuesday. “We are the ones we’ve been waiting for, we are the change that we seek.” Obama insists that his is the campaign for those who want to move “beyond race,” and, let the record show, there is a powerful thirst for a post-racial America, not least among conservatives.

So let us stipulate that it would indeed be wonderful if America could move beyond the intergenerational venom, guilt-mongering, orchestrated offense-taking, and entrenched animosity that has characterized much of the black-white relationship over the years. Let us also concede that this is what Obama wants to do and what his followers want from him.

There remains the inconvenient question: Does it make any sense?

Rather than serving to heal America’s racial wounds, maybe Obama’s campaign is more like a dye marker that helps us better diagnose the complexity of the problem.

Obama has had his greatest success winning white votes in states that are nearly all white, particularly those with caucuses. In non-homogeneously white states, he’s only won when he’s added enormous shares of black votes to his prosperous white liberal base — as he did in South Carolina.

But in states that actually “look like America,” he tends to get beaten by Hillary Clinton. He lost melting-pot states such as Nevada, California, Massachusetts, and New York largely because he couldn’t accumulate nearly enough white or Latino votes.

Some on the right have mischievously alleged anti-black sentiment among Latinos as one reason why Obama fails to gain Latino support. Many liberals have worried about a “Bradley effect” — named for former Los Angeles Mayor Tom Bradley — whereby secretly racist white liberals say they will vote for the black guy but don’t follow through.

Although there’s got to be some truth to this at the margins, I think it’s mostly hogwash. Still, it says something fascinating about our political and racial landscape that the Democratic voters with the most experience living in multiracial, multicultural communities are the ones most immune to Obama’s “beyond race” rhetoric. At the same time, the whitest states are the most gaga for Obama. (He beat Clinton 80 percent to 17 percent in white-supremacist-rich Idaho.)

One possible explanation for this might be found in the work of Harvard sociologist Robert Putnam. In 2006, the scholar of civil society and author of Bowling Alone released some controversial findings: The more diverse a community, the less trusting it becomes.

“In the presence of diversity, we hunker down,” he told the Financial Times. “The effect of diversity is worse than had been imagined. And it’s not just that we don’t trust people who are not like us. In diverse communities, we don’t trust people who do look like us.” Social trust was at its absolute lowest in Los Angeles, one of America’s most diverse cities, Putnam found.

The hard interpretation would be that diversity does in fact breed racism and ethnic resentment. But a softer, and I think slightly more plausible, reading would be that increased diversity breeds not so much resentment as realism — at least among rank-and-file voters.

It’s easy for upscale liberals to talk about the glories of diversity because they live at Olympian heights, above the reality of multicultural America. For Obama’s wealthy, white, liberal supporters, diversity is knowing a rich black lawyer, a wealthy Latino accountant, and lots of well-to-do gay folks.

Meanwhile, for working-class white liberals who live in places such as Iowa or Maine, it’s easy to see our racial divide in almost purely theoretical terms and therefore believe that purely rhetorical responses are sufficient; Obama says the right words, and that’s all we need.

But for much of the rest of the country, people are more skeptical that high-flying talk about diversity and unity, married to fairly conventional liberal policies on affirmative action, immigration, and the like, will do much to solve the real problems we face. They may have never heard such rhetoric delivered so well. But they’ve certainly heard it before.
Let's do some math.

Elections are basically 50-50 propositions. Republicans vs Democrats. Not counting 3rd parties.

So Hussein Obama carries 50% of the Libs (I mean Dems). That means he carries 25% of the voting population.

And all he talks about is unity.

Unity my ass.

Obama will be more polarizing than any President we have ever had.

He is the antithesis of conservative ideology.

His HOPE and CHANGE rhetoric rings hollow.

He is a TelePrompter extraordinaire.

He is smooth and arrogant. Mellow and boastful.

He is wrong for America.

We need a strong leader to keep defending this Country.

We need a leader that demonstrates to the world that if you mess with the bull, you'll get the horn.

All The Obomination will do is create a huge power grab in the world. Get it while the getting is good.

Uncontrolled Russia makes a move. Iran makes a move. An emboldened China makes a move.

I know you guys don't like it when I go over the edge but I feel I must to cut thru the fog of lies that is the media.

Hillary has been stopped. Now it is time to stop Obama.
The only question I have about Obama, is if McCain can muster enough of the moderate/liberal swing vote to keep Ol' Barry out of office.

You cant go over-board when all you speak is the truth. That's the way I see it.

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