Bass question


Dedicated LVC Member
Apr 30, 2005
Reaction score
Jax, FL
Why is there so much base in the new town car than the previos models. It has the same speakers but the only difference is the headunit. Plus what does an amplifier do? :feedback
New units are produced by Alpine; kings of Bass!! :gr_devil:

An amplifier does exactly that; amplifies a signal, making it more powerful and cleaner with better acoustical response...
Did the new one have a sub by chance? or the new thx certified system?
Damn... i just noticed you are only 17... how do you afford all 3 of those cars?

the stock system in my 99 was pretty bumpin... the lincoln dealership was having a hard time getting the 6 disc changer for me, so they put an after market alpine cd player in, and improved the sound even more... with stock speakers, my 99 has better sound than my 90 with upgraded pioneer speakers and cd player did..
I don't own all the cars. My dad drives the Continental, my mom drives the town car and I drive the Mark VIII.

The bass is there but not has much as conti and mark. Do you know how many speaker are in the town car? I don't want to change any speakers or the unit. I like the factory look. I was wondering what does the amlifier do. Nakoa, what would you rate your stereo from 1-10 in bass. I would rate the town 4, conti 8,mark 8. the new town car 7.
mark0101 said:
I don't own all the cars. My dad drives the Continental, my mom drives the town car and I drive the Mark VIII.

The bass is there but not has much as conti and mark. Do you know how many speaker are in the town car? I don't want to change any speakers or the unit. I like the factory look. I was wondering what does the amlifier do. Nakoa, what would you rate your stereo from 1-10 in bass. I would rate the town 4, conti 8,mark 8. the new town car 7.

in mine... there are 4 speakers... there are 2 in the rear windshield compartment, and one in each of my front doors.

Since yours is an 02 and a signature.. it might also have one in each of the rear doors..

If you were to hook up an amplifier in your car to be run in conjunction with your head unit and speakers in the car... it would send more power to each speaker, thus making it louder. your stock stereo has an amp built in, just like most in dash units.. its not as powerful as the aftermarket amps people install in their cars... if you are looking for more bass.. you might look into getting 2 10's and atleast a 200 watt amp installed..

As for rating my car.. for not having a sub.. i would rate it probably an 8... some songs you can really feel the bass, but a pair of 12's would really kick my ass.
I don't want to put any speakers. I will proable put the amp. The 02 don't have the speakers in the rear doors. Not even the 03 and up have it like that but they say it has 8 speakers. I have 05 for a rental right now and they only have two in the rear and the really give it out. Don't know about the front speakers
its got 2 up front too...

i would love to test drive an 03-05 model... how is the suspension?
Nakoa said:
its got 2 up front too...

i would love to test drive an 03-05 model... how is the suspension?

It is even better than the 98+ town car's suspension. The steering is a bit harder than the 98+. The power is not as much as the 98+ town cars.

I love the dual climate control, the seats are so soft and seems a little bigger inside. If you want luxury, this is the car. The brakes placed rightly unlike the 98 that you have to go 1 feet from the gas to the brakes.

So have you thought of what car you want?
The suspension on the 98+ is kinda harsh, yet extremely smooth at the same time.. im thinking about upgrading my shocks and seeing where that puts me.

the tighter steering might be something i would like... it took me a bit to adjust to the difference between my old 90's effortless steering and my 99's tight steering.. but now i love it.. so i imagine i would probably dig the even tighter steering on the 05...

dual climate control is pretty cool... caddy has the quad zone climate control.. which i think is a little over board...
I cant imagine softer seats.. although i have an executive, my seats are more comfortable than any non lincoln seat i have had the misfortune of sitting on.

i sure do use alot of ...'s

Im still set on test driving a 2000 deville. i know for a fact i dont like anything caddy pre 2000... If the 2000 deville isnt marginally better than what i have then I will more than likely end up keeping my town car.

Do you use aim or yahoo messanger?

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