Battery Specs


Dutch User
Apr 17, 2005
Reaction score
What are the specs for the battery. Cranking amps and everything else? I think the dealer put the wrong battery in and I want to make sure.
Also if some one know the part number.

Does anybody know about the cranking amps? Could you look for me?
The one the dealer put in is only 650cca, is this right? I know its not the right battery because it's not vented and I think this is where my starting toubles could be coming from.
Any help is much appreciated. Thanks.
650 amp is right. there is a 750 amp option. mine had the 650, but i replaced it with the 750. the original p/n would be bxt-66-650, and the higher amp is
bxt-66-750. both are vented, and i highly recommend bringing it back and replaced with an appropriate battery.
right if it's not vented it shouldn't cause starting problems but it could kill you or cause you to grow a 3rd arm out of your neck. so i'd take it back to the dealer
The gases from a lead-acid battery (primarily hydrogen) are explosive/combustible, but not exactly mutagenic. ;) You definitely want a vented battery in the LS, or at least a vented battery box. Take it back and make them put the correct battery in your car.
Ok well i just got a Optima Battery. There is no problem with that is there. Then vent port is only there if you have a vented battery right.
jury is still out on whether or not optimas vent.

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