Bauman Shifting Problem!!! HELP PLEASE!!


Well-Known LVC Member
Dec 22, 2004
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Guys I just got my Mark back from the tranny shop and I have some seriously bad news....

My car was shifting at first fine I think from the shop... But I had to go like 40 MPG, the first time I took it to a wide open throttle shift I think I heard a "pop", but after that it seemed to be shifting fine. I took it to the highway and the first thing I do is gun it on the on ramp... the 1-2 Shift takes WAY too long, I'm in the RED for several seconds before it finally kicks in. When I was going 70 MPH I Gunned it and practically the same thing, it is downshifting but not hitting a gear right away, I go into the red for a few seconds then finally it pops into second. Even at medium throttle when it should be shifting at thirty, it lags a long time at like 3500 rpm then goes into second fine.

PLEASE! If you have any ideas as to what this can be let me know while the transmission shop still remembers me, I want to be taking it back tomorrow if possible. BTW, I did level 3, got new 1-2 &2-3 pistons. I was there and I'm pretty sure the guy put a new upper blue spring in with the spring from the Bauman kit into the 1-2, and he left the brand new red/purple lower srping out.

Hang in there Lugi - Im sure one of the guys will hit you up as soon as they get on. They make boo-boos hurt less :)

Im sure all will get fixed - see ya

Luka, I really don't know much about auto shift kits, but your problem sounds familliar. Let me try a search real quick.

Thanks Mike, your always helpful my friend!!

I will deffinetly search around the Bauman site, also give them a call tomorrow. If they don't give me a deffinative answer, I'll also seek out Geno's oppinion, as he has a lot of experience.
Lugi20 said:
Thanks Mike, your always helpful my friend!!

I will deffinetly search around the Bauman site, also give them a call tomorrow. If they don't give me a deffinative answer, I'll also seek out Geno's oppinion, as he has a lot of experience.

Just sounds like a bad installation without having the car here. I mean it is a little daunting for a first timer but for a shop, once you do two or three of these your pretty well taugt. Im not knocking them at all but do they have experience with this transmission?
The guy said they have had lots of AODE's and 4R70W's but he admitted that this was his first time with the Bauman shift kit? So Geno, are you telling me I need to get richer quickly? New trans? How far up a river can I be here?

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