baumann shift kit *problem* please help


Speed Bump
Sep 20, 2004
Reaction score
Bloomington, MN
i installed the shift kit to day with a new fillter and pan gasket.
Well I finished up, poured fluid in and shifted through the gears with the car running, every thing seem fine. Put the car down check the fluids level and toped it off.

I go to put it in reverses and no reverse. No way I can get it to work. So I put in drive and drive it around the block. It did not go into drive right away until I gave it a little gas and slammed in to first. And shifted erratic until I got it back to the house and shut it off.

Even with it warmed up still wont go in to reverse. And the tranny has full fluid.

I know I did the shift kit right I read every thing 3 times and checked it four times before I went on to the next step. Every thing looked good and clean.

Please help! It has to run by Saturday
My GUESS would be the shift linkage mechanism was not engaged properly when replacing the valve body.

It is now time to re-install the valve body. Be sure that you align the linkage assembly with the shaft on the driver's side of the valve body. A common occurrence is to end up with the linkage out of position. Below is a picture of such a mistake


I re-installed the valve body without aligning the shift linkage with the shaft. Notice in the center of the photo the jagged bracket, or "Rooster" has a pin that aligns with the horizontal shaft traveling front to rear. In the photo, you can see how the pin is lined up with the center of the shaft. It should be toward the front of the shaft, between the two retainers. I discovered this AFTER installing the pan, and 10 qts of fluid. I had to remove the pan and the valve body to correct this error!

ya that happen to me it sucks, try and save the mercon fluid
did you fix it, what did you do ?

fluid is cheap i would rather use new fluid than cantaminated stuff


when i hooked up the shift linkage it was like it was in the picture i will find out for sure tomarrow. when i put the gear shift in drive its in drive when i put it in nutral its in nutral but when i go to reverse, i can hear a engine tone change like it went in to gear but it acts lite nutral.

the only thing i have found on baumanns site is to remove and clean the vlaves again.
Wow, the Baumann problems are really running amock this week...
I redid the valve body today. Found out that the pressure reg. valve was not clipped in right (found it in the bottom of the pan) so redid that cleaned all the valves and reinstalled. Filled it up and my reverse works but.......

When its in drive and I try to leave a complete stop the converter disengages and revs to 6000 like there is no tranny there than slams in to 2nd after words it shift fine up to OD. It goes really hard in and REALLY hard out of OD shakes the whole car, when I’m doing 70 and slam it down it shift’s really hard in to third and then goes in to second, not OD to 2nd like its suppose to.

Also when cruising down the road at 76 the tack is at 2000 but then the converter unlocks and I’m running at 2400, and I dint do any thing.

So can any one help?

( it’s a edge racing converter 2750 stall speed 9.5in )
Assuming it was fine before the installation of the shift kit, it has to be something that was overlooked. Hopefully, no permanent damage has been done. It could be something as simple as a missed check ball.

I would talk to Greg at Baumann. He may very well recognize the symptoms.

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