Because of Cops


Well-Known LVC Member
Mar 19, 2011
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:( i got pulled over
i guess my music was loud even with my volume half up and all my windows rolled up:shifty:

he also have me a ix it tixket for my tint and taillight bulb being out

however he didnt mark me down for smoked head and taillights
im afraid when i go to get my ticket signed off they will say somthing

Now i kinda need a set of lights headlights and tailloghts
Let me know if you guys have any for sell and how much , THANKS LVC
i thought in cali you just had to pay for fix it tickets, no?

Yea you for 25$ each fix it but
before you pay you have to have an officer take a look if you fixed and then sign it off

im afraid he will say get your headlights and tailights fixed and ill sign it off
Ok. No LS buddies to temp trade lights with?
im might aswell just buy another pair
im going to try and get it signed off tomarrow if not im going to have to buy a new set :(
Do you have a gen2?

If you lights aren't too dark, you can say that they were pitch black before and the officer said to get them lighter, so you did.

I once got a fix it for my mufflers being too loud. I was just going to say I was running without mufflers and the cop heard my two blocks away so I had some mufflers put in to quiet it down a lot. The new cop wont know how your set up was to how it is now. He will notice if something was written as not working and if it still is. You might be able to slip by.
Make a project out of it. Wet sand them down and redo it. A couple cans of VHT and clear is cheaper than sets of headlights and tail lights.
Do you have a gen2?

If you lights aren't too dark, you can say that they were pitch black before and the officer said to get them lighter, so you did.

I once got a fix it for my mufflers being too loud. I was just going to say I was running without mufflers and the cop heard my two blocks away so I had some mufflers put in to quiet it down a lot. The new cop wont know how your set up was to how it is now. He will notice if something was written as not working and if it still is. You might be able to slip by.

ima try it out see how it goes , WISH ME LUCK LVC!
Make a project out of it. Wet sand them down and redo it. A couple cans of VHT and clear is cheaper than sets of headlights and tail lights.
Ive seen vht nightshades results but did not like em
i had a shop do em for 40 $ black dipped in clear
Vht ob a clear lens makes them look blue unless you completely black them out (at least on my headlights)

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