Best Fuel economy on one tank?


Dedicated LVC Member
Nov 18, 2009
Reaction score
I recently hit the drag strip with my V6 5 speed for the first time and discovered that I can get the same times with the stock tune and torrie tune (Best of 15.2@91). I decided it was time to try another tuner. I went with MPT and now it it feels SO much better in the midrange but the notable difference is in my fuel economy. The absolute best I ever did before was 26mpg all straight to/from work with no a/c with an average of 24-25. Now I'm getting 26.5-27.1 with some city driving and a/c use!

What are your best mpg and do you have a before and after tune difference?
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Best 26.2 MPG, 80% highway driving w/ A/C, stock V8. A/C on only @ highway speeds. I really had to try hard..
26.4, Interstate and cross country routes. Had weekend luggage for 3, and two passengers, no AC just fan, it was a cool night. Had the intake at the time but not the exhaust.
I normally get fuel every 350 to 425 miles, but sometime early in my ownership (I purchased it used in 2003) I went 492 miles on a tank of fuel. I remember it because I thought I was going to run out but after buying 17.5 gallons I was annoyed I didn't go another 8 miles to make it an even 500. 2000 V6 MT.
so far the best I've gotten since I pulled it out after winter has been 15.8

my low MPG is more than made up by its high SPG (Smiles Per Gallon)
I think mine was 34 mpg :cool:
I think mine was 34 mpg :cool:

34? on a full tank? Wow, that's good. I got 25.2 on my first tank, 400 miles back home from Fort Worth, TX. Mostly highway with some country driving through OK after I missed an exit. Since then I have replaced the fuel filter and air filter but have not done a whole tank of highway driving. I want to get a K&N 57 but have not put the money down to get it yet. New tires coming in the next month or so and the K&N around Christmas. I'm still looking for a set of those LSE tails...
Cruising at 70-75 with the turbo. Before the turbo I would get something like 26 cruising at 70.
No just what the computer says. I would always forget to calculate it until it was time to fill up again. It would be really hard not to take turn a little harder and on ramps for a full tank to get a good average
You will need to calculate an actual tank then. The computer calculates mileage according to computer settings, and the turbo is going to throw off the airflow calcs.
Will do, as soon as I get her back

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