biggest bumper sticker I've seen.


Dedicated LVC Member
Jun 15, 2007
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Thought some might get a laugh. I laughed more at the fact that someone put this on their tailgate so poorly, but whatever.

keep the change.jpg
I don't understand why people feel the need to put such decals on their vehicles - just asking for trouble from 'Obamanutz' I know I wouldn't want my car vandalized by some hippy Liberal fruit cake.
I don't understand why people feel the need to put such decals on their vehicles - just asking for trouble from 'Obamanutz' I know I wouldn't want my car vandalized by some hippy Liberal fruit cake.

I think it depends on where you live. That is a definate concern in NY and in Cali. But I don't worry about that here in Kansas (except maybe in the People's Republic of Lawrence, Kansas).
Yeah, in my part of North Carolina it would probably be ok, but where i lived in Florida (outskirts of Tampa) - No way.
Note the FL plate... lol

I only have a small lvc sticker on my rear quarter window. Just the website address. That's the only stickers that are going on my car. I don't need the people behind me in traffic to know my beliefs.
So you should be intimidated from putting that on your car?

By the way, I understand why you'd say that. If your near any metro area or college town, you'll likely be vandalized. Interestingly enough, all the "Darwin Fish,"leftist tags decorating the assorted Volvos, Saabs, and hybrids rarely have that same insecurity or reservation.

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