Biggest FLIP-FLOP in our nation's history...


Dedicated LVC Member
Mar 2, 2004
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United States
...belongs to the loser Dem candidates for President, or as Rush calls them, the Navigator in Chief.

The polls must have went south on them. Was it the Move-On Patraeus Ad backlash? Or the fact that the SURGE is actually working? Or is Bush right, again?

You anti-war guys must be crawling in your skin. Enjoy the itching. It's the same feeling us conservatives get having to listen to your party's B.S. day in and day out.

First they were for pulling out before they were against it. LMAO!
The 2006 congressional elections demonstrate how democrats are willing to lie in order to get elected. It's therefore not surprising that they're now backtracking on Iraq after making all kinds of promises about ending the War. Hillary used to talk about how she would end the War if elected--Now she says nothing can be guaranteed.

The lack of action despite the many promises since the 2006 congressional elections demonstrate how the current crop of democrats, for the most part, are morally bankrupt and have no idea about how to move our nation forward and solve the many difficult issues that a president is likely to face in 2009.

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