Besides AMTRAK, how is this suppose to create jobs in the private sector? All I see is a lot of pork more than anything.
Um... let's see... If someone gave me some money to upgrade my government building, I'd probably hire some plumbers to fix the toilets, hire some electricians to run some cables, maybe add a couple of speed bumps and replace some old insulation. I'd also hire some workers to build out those new offices that we need. If my usual contractors couldn't fit me in, I'd suggest they start hiring new workers.
If I were ACORN, I'm not sure what I'd do. I'd probably keep the money and pretend I put it to good use. If I were told to stabilize neighborhoods, I'd probably hire a bunch of people who knew what that was, pick a neighborhood, and start stabilizing it until I found a job I understood.
If someone gave me some money to recapture carbon, I'd probably hire some scientists and work a deal with a local fabrication shop and see if I couldn't figure out how to recapture carbon.
If I were Amtrak, I'd probably fix up some tracks and bridges, and maybe order a few more rail cars.
Those DTV coupons should only be good for American made converters, IMHO. Otherwise we're just throwing the money away.
If I were the government and got $600M to plunk down on automobiles, then I'd order $600M worth of Lincolns and Cadillacs
(certainly this will help hang on to a few jobs at least for a little while) and hire a couple temps to keep track of the orders and deliveries.
If I got some cash to research global warming, then I'd research global warming -- I've always thought a research job would be cool. If I got enough money, I'd hire people who know what they're doing to help me.
If I got a lot of money to hand out condoms, then I'd hire a bunch of people to help me hand out condoms. Hopefully the hospital here -- the one that cannot turn anyone away, even if they have no insurance -- would see a decrease in the number of STD cases it has to treat for free.
If I were the National Endowment for the Arts, I would use the extra cash to continue supporting works of artistic excellence and advancing learning in the arts -- hopefully employing more (or keeping employed) lots of tax payers who bent on living a life as an artist.