Black on Beck

...and if anyone were to care, I didn't reference him as a "troll" because he posted a Daily Show bit where they aim their targets at Beck. That's fair. But it was in a group of three other posts, continuing on his "religion sucks" articles by insecure atheists who know little about philosophy or statistics, that was intended to just start a flame war on the board-- hence the troll spray.
But it was in a group of three other posts, continuing on his "religion sucks" articles by insecure atheists who know little about philosophy or statistics, that was intended to just start a flame war on the board-- hence the troll spray.

one might fall under the religion sucks banner, but the other didn't, nor this.
No Good Men Left Here has nothing to do with religion at all.
it actually damning of obama. apparently you didn't even read it.

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