Blatant liberal indoctrination of students...


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Aug 30, 2005
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Texas School Indoctrination Alert: Deceitful Defining of Liberals and Conservatives
by SusanAnne Hiller

Texas GOP reports on disturbing school political propaganda being taught and distributed by Roosevelt High School (NEISD) teacher Barbara Geerdes when she passed out the handout, “Philosophical Differences Between Liberals and Conservatives,” to her AP U.S. Government class.
A student in Barbara Geerdes’ AP Government class grew concerned over the teacher’s repeated politicization of the classroom and managed to get one of the documents out and brought it home, where he could show it to his parents. Geerdes’ handout made it to the State Republican Executive Committee’s quarterly meeting Saturday, March 28th, where it was discussed. According to a source that has recently followed up with the father of the student:

The Dean of Students responded that the teacher admitted that she has been distributing handouts all year without required pre-approval from the head of the social studies department. She has been giving these out to all of her classes, not just the AP class. She has always collected the handouts at the end of the class period and has never allowed the handouts to be taken home.
The nature of this blatant indoctrination of the youth continues to permeate throughout the public school system and colleges. It is obvious that the Left cannot win on their own agenda’s merits because in reality it is an agenda of oppression and injustice in itself. Just ask the children in the successful DC school voucher program about how the Obama administration shows them justice.

Furthermore, liberals, progressives, and socialists always disguise their true intentions under the guise of good will. With a compliant and silent TV and print media to these continuous cons, the Left has effectively hijacked the mantra of good will and this administration constantly deems unpopular, socialistic legislation under the cover of “the right thing to do.”

The Right better get it together to set the record straight on the Left’s revisionist history lessons, knowingly deceitful teachers, misleading political agendas based on false good will to fool the people–these are the foundations for the Left. And this is what is being taught to impressionable children:



As for the angel and the devil comparison between liberals and conservatives, wasn’t it Saul Alinsky who celebrated the first radical, Lucifer? Yes, indeed it was. As it appears in Obama’s playbook “Rules for Radicals”:
It is interesting to see first hand what liberals really think conservatives believe.

What a rift of misconception.
yet people complain because the Texas school board is going to "indoctrinate" students with conservatism.:rolleyes:
Man dude you have a sad life....posting nonstop anti-American propaganda on a car enthusiast board....
Yeah wasn't 04SCTLS whining about that the other day? :rolleyes:

Other than the believing in the goodness of human nature part why would you call this propaganda.

The writer doesn't even make an effort to do a rebuttal point by point or otherwise.
How unimaginative.
Man dude you have a sad life....posting nonstop anti-American propaganda on a car enthusiast board....

Were you aware of it?
Do you really think that it doesn't affect your life or the country?
Man dude you have a sad life....posting nonstop anti-American propaganda on a car enthusiast board....
Welcome to the forum, you certainly made quite an entrance, showing contempt, completely misinterpreting the data, and making wild assed assumptions about someone's life right off the bat.

Are you a premature ejactulator too? :rolleyes:
Other than the believing in the goodness of human nature part why would you call this propaganda.

Actually, that may be the most accurate thing about that handout

If you like, I can point out where, specifically, the handout is and is not misleading...
Actually, that may be the most accurate thing about that handout

If you like, I can point out where, specifically, the handout is and is not misleading...

Well everybody is an individual so it's hazardous to generalize too much but give me your take on it.

Those mean girls that provoked that Irish girl to commit suicide do show some of the dark side of human nature.
Well everybody is an individual so it's hazardous to generalize too much but give me your take on it.

I will take them as the points as they are raised in the handout...


The handout distorts this area by oversimplifying too much. It is not simply that liberals are "optimists" and conservatives are "pessimists" on human nature. They big difference is in the perceived ability to change human nature.

Liberals see human nature as not only generally good, but able to be improved on and to move towards a state of perfection; a variable to be manipulated. Conservatives see human nature as a mixed bag (capable of both good and evil) but, just as importantly, Conservatives see human nature as a constant. Individuals can change toward the better, but society as a whole can not change toward the better.

This has important implications in policy. If humans are generally good and can move toward perfection, then it makes sense to put the best of us in positions of power to direct that change toward a more perfect state. However, if human nature is not able to change and is a mixed bag of good and evil, then it makes no sense to create policies aimed at directing change in society and it is dangerous to centralize power because of that potential for evil in human nature.


This is a more dishonest distortion and oversimplification. Conservatives are not against reform; in fact they recognize it as necessary. However, conservatives see traditions and evolved social institutions (like languages or free markets) as containing an inherent wisdom in them. They evolved through countless generations of people engaging in activities, discarding things that didn't work and keeping things that did; inter-generational trial and error. Tradition has been empirically proven to work and in analyzing tradition, the burden of proof is on those advocating change (precautionary principle) in the mind of a conservative.

Change is necessary but should be approach modestly because any change is bound to have unforeseen consequences, both good and bad. Minor changes are easier to correct if need be, and have far less in the way of unintended consequences. Conservative try to minimize any trade-offs.

Liberals promote comprehensive reform. (Obamacare being a great example). That means usurping the old system and replacing it with a new one. They don't focus on the trade offs, but view it as an issue of a solution to a problem. This a very reckless approach to take.

When that approach is taken, it is assumed that men can create an untried comprehensive system that can replace and improve upon the current system. Intellectual elites can use rational principles to run society better then any evolved system.

This difference is due to a massive difference in assumptions as to the intellectual capabilities of humans as seen by Conservatives and Liberals. Liberals see humans as intellectually capable of directly creating a system more effective then say the free market, or a language, or many other evolved traditions and social institutions. Hayek famously called this view "The Fatal Conceit".

Also, in enacting comprehensive reform, you replace the current system. That means that if the change is bad, you cannot simply go back to how it was (at least not easily). That is why conservatives prefer tweaking and incrementally reforming the current system instead of a comprehensive overhaul.


This is the greatest lie in the whole handout and an issue that I have covered enough on this forum and will not go into too much detail here.

The author spins the truth out of phase 180 degrees in claiming that Conservatism is the philosophy of authoritarianism and Liberalism is the ideology of individual freedom. The author does this by intentionally playing on the ignorance of the students when it comes to the term "liberal".

Classical liberalism, which Conservatism and Libertarianism are rooted in, is built around the idea of maximizing individual liberty. Modern liberalism is built on the idea of social justice, which is incompatible with individual liberty as understood by the Framers. In fact, social justice necessitates collectivism which is the heart of authoritarianism.

On this point, the author is, in no uncertain terms, engaging in misdirection through a logical fallacy called equivocation. To be clear, in this area the teacher is intentionally LYING AND MISLEADING HER STUDENTS. That is indoctrination; plain and simple.

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