Blower Motor?


Dedicated LVC Member
May 3, 2004
Reaction score
Waynesboro, PA
[font=Verdana, Arial]I believe the blower motor is going bad. The climate control will not blow as hard as it should. The wires/connectors are tight, so it has a good connection there. If I run the manual fan control all the way up, it still only blows lightly. However, it does respond to the control, with less air coming out as I roll the switch down. Since the switch works, I do not know what else could be wrong other than the motor itself being weak. Unless the switch could have a fault that causes it to send a signal that does not force as much air as it should?[/font] [font=Verdana, Arial]That said, I imagine the thing to do is replace the blower motor. Is it possible to do this without ripping the entire dash out? I know I can buy the motor seperate from the core, so I am hoping I can finangle my way through it without going through the trouble of pulling everything apart. Anymore help/suggestions would be greatly appreciated![/font]
Try the switch first

Seems to me that the most logical place to start would be the switch. It is after all what controls the amount of current going to the motor which in turn controls the speed of the motor. May have a bad spot on the POT winding that would still allow a little speed control, but not full power to the fan.
bufordtpisser said:
Seems to me that the most logical place to start would be the switch. It is after all what controls the amount of current going to the motor which in turn controls the speed of the motor. May have a bad spot on the POT winding that would still allow a little speed control, but not full power to the fan.

Sounds do I test it?
JoshMcMadMac said:
Sounds do I test it?

There's a similliar thread running in the TC forum. The problem is the "Blower Speed Controller". In your case the resistor is shot, in most cases it simply comes un-solered.

I've had communications with Sheldon (94linc) who opted to buy a new transistor, and solder it back himself, rather than paying the $150+ for a new Speed Controller.

Here's 94linc's final response:
94linc said:
Well, you're not going to believe my good fortune. I can hardly believe it myself. The power transistor I ordered for the speed control module arrived yesterday and I managed to install it late last night. It had been riveted to the board - obviously not meant to be a component level repair part - so it took a little persuasion to replace it, had to drill the rivets out etc.
Anyway, I just put the module back in the car a few minutes ago and lo and behold, it works now!! UNFRIKKINBELIEVABLE!!!! It was a total guess, albeit an educated one, but never looked at a schematic, never broke out the meter, just took a wild guess. I'm thrilled! While I was screwing around this morning, I was looking up junk yards; that's how confident I was. I figured the transistor was definitely worth a shot, but I'd probably be going to a junk yard after it didn't work to try and find the whole module.

If you want to know for future reference, the transistor part number is J11028. I just googled up an electronics component store online and ordered it. I used and it cost about 21 bucks total with shipping.

Here's the other thread w/repair links:

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