Blown head gaskets


Active LVC Member
Feb 18, 2014
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Well after all the work i've done to this car over the past week it repays me with blown head gaskets. Past owner let it over heat when the vcrm went out. It's pressurizing the cooling system, blowing water from the tail pipes after running for 15 minutes, hard starting, coolant looks like a milk shake, and there was literally ice on the spark plugs. I'm sure there were puddles of coolant on the pistons but i couldn't see them without a bore scope. So it needs an engine thats what i get for buying a cheap car. Any body have possible leads on where i can buy a cheap engine? I really like the car, the rest of it is nice but if i have to spend 6-700 on an engine i will sell it.
There is 2 for 650 (105K) each 150 miles from you and one for $250 w150K 200 miles from you. $595 w119K 200 miles from you. There is a 1996 with 69K for 675 which you could sell the IMRCs for 150 easy so really 525 for 69K engine. Ohh a 1997 with 77K for $399 and a 50K one for $700. Remember you can use any year engine.
It doesn't look good, i didn't budget for a blown engine when i bought the thing. With current prices i don't think i can afford it. I sure wish i paid 500 less for the car now.
I paid 1000 for it, regretting the hell out of it now. I should have paid the guy scrap for it.
Not to be a jerk but you expected no money spent on a 1000 dollar car? So where are you going to get another car for 500 dollars? (cost of engine)
Trust me i have spent several hundred so far on parts and materials, the little costs add up fast. I expected to spend money but i did not expect a $500 engine in addition to general service. I obviously wont be buying another car for 500 i'll just fix this one with the same money, but this one was worth about that with a bad motor. It will be a $1800 car by the time it's running, driving, and inspected. Ask yourself what would you pay for a 94 with almost 150k miles that has a bad motor?
While the head gaskets may be blown, it does not sound like its catastrophic (bend connecting rods, etc). So why not just put in new head gaskets? The top end of these cars are fairly easy to work on - if not tight quartered. Then you would know the overall condition of the engine. And a used engine is no guarantee of having bad gaskets.
Well considering the heads are probably warped, i would need new head bolts, i don have timing tools, and i would still need to pull the motor out. Used with a few months warranty from a junkyard seems like a better plan.
I hear ya. I was just glad to hear you only paid 1000 and not 2500-3000 for her. I paid 2000 for my mk8 that was suppose to have needed HG's also. I put battery in her and already put 2000 miles on it with no problems.
Well considering the heads are probably warped, i would need new head bolts, i don have timing tools, and i would still need to pull the motor out. Used with a few months warranty from a junkyard seems like a better plan.

The cars are in the junk yard for a reason.
If you go this route get a engine out of a car that is totaled, ask the yard why the car is there.
Lower the miles the better..... odds of getting a decent engine.
Bigger yards will ship for a cost.
A warranty does not include the time you put into this car to install the engine.
Yup i was hoping to find one that was wrecked from behind or t boned. There is a yard with one for $400 close to me with 105k on the clock. I'll have to wait till the snow melts before i can do anything as this is an outdoor swap.

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