BLUE GOLD (Cause you can't have any!)

not really when our water is privatized

As I was saying, leftist bullcrap, immediately attacking free-markets under the presumption that government control of anything leads to a positive outcome.

Free-markets are the most efficient way we have to deal with scarcity and supply. Free markets are the ones that will say, "water is valuable, we can sell it it, let's build desalinization plants that are efficient and profitable."
but yet we can't build anything to restor wetlands or clean the polluted and destroyed fresh water?
and don't forget the high mercury content of salt water, wetlands and watering holes filter water to wehere the mercury content is elimenated
Are there any other messages from bumper stickers or socially conscious cable shows you've seen that you'd like to include in your post?

What was your point?
Before I point out the factual problems with what you said, it'd be more interesting and I'd rather discuss your broader point.
LMFAO, I live on lake huron, I've been trying to turn it yellow for 32 years, its still blue. I don't see anyone owning the water on my property or underneith of it.

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